Sunday, November 27, 2005

Oddities and Entities

Since I was in Las Lunas today at my sister's house I thought I would include this picture of the Las Lunas stone. It is a mysterious stone found in a dry creek bed near Las Lunas that has written on it the 10 commandments, written in a form of Hebrew not used for 2500 years. A quick google will probably tell you more about it.
I was at my sister Debi's house celebrating my and my sister Becky's birthdays. They were actually last week, but everyone has been sick with colds and things so it took this long to get around to a party.
My 3 year old niece Mina was brilliant as always. Her best line of the night was when she was trying to get people her to chase her and she turns to Britton and says "Do you want a piece of me?" This had Auntie Lala (me) and Auntie Becky rotfl. She also told Auntie Lala many of her highly imaginable long stories, including dinosaurs, owls (she just saw harry potter) and my cat Lady Kanga.
We returned home about 10 pm. Shortly after that it started snowing! Only a dusting of snow, but snow nonetheless. Pooka the dog was thrilled and even though there wasn't much she still rolled and rolled in it.

1 comment:

LesleyinNM said...

Mina is quite a talker. She was especially cute last night because her little brother wasn't there so she got to be the center of attention.