Thursday, April 27, 2006

Various things

It seems like ages since I have actually written anything on this blog. My allergies have been making me so tired and lazy lately that I just don't feel like doing much of anything.
What a surprise to have Art Bell join George Noory for the first hour of c2c last night! Very cool, except it sounded like rebroadcasts this coming weekend. Thank Goodness for Ian Punnett, at least something will be new!
I should be having something new and hopefully fun happening at this blog soon, but I am still working out the details.
Except for the allergies all is well here. We have had beautiful weather and clear blue skies. Our neighborhood deer has 2 little baby deer, they couldn't be more than a month old and they are so cute! I would have to be really hungry and near death to kill a deer, they are just such beautiful creatures. I think hunting is one of those things you have to get into when you are very young, otherwise it is hard to understand the entertainment people get from it. I can understand why poor people would hunt to feed their family, but I have a hard time understanding how people who have plenty of money to buy food at the grocery enjoy going out and shooting things. I doubt I will ever be able to understand that.
Anyhow, I hope all is well with everyone!


nolocontendere said...

Sorry about your allergies, Lesley. Never had them myself but some people look just awful this time of year. Must get quite uncomfortable.

I hunted years ago. I don't now. I don't like to kill. If I had to I would still do it by being a meat eater. But most hunters disgust me with their bloodlust and senseless sport, like trophy hunting or varminting. I like to use a camera these days.

Jay Noel said...


You need to look into taking OPCs for your allergies. You can google them. I'm a distributor for OPC-3, and I take them for my tendonitis. OPCs are free-radical scavengers, and they prohibit the release of histamine. I have personally helped three people on very strong anti-allergy medicine no longer have to take those meds, which don't work well and seem to make them really moody.

You should check out my latest podcast. I interview a "psychic reader" and I recorded my personal reading. Some very paranormal stuff happens too.

Take care.

LesleyinNM said...

Nolo - Can't imagine you ever being a hunter.
Phoenix - I don't normally take meds for allergies because often they make me feel just as bad as the allergies did, only in a different way. Also, I don't have many of the symptoms others get, for the most part they just make me feel exhausted. Thanks for stopping by! I will try to check out your stuff soon.