Tuesday, November 14, 2006

This and That

I just heard from Tim Binnall who has made it home safely from the crash retrieval conference, so apparently he was not offed by any mafia hit men in Vegas nor did he have to sell his return ticket to pay off his gambling debts. I am sure we will get to hear all about the Conference at Binnall of America in the coming days.

Not a whole lot going on here. I am a bit under the weather with allergies/sinus and/or a virus of some sort. Whatever it is I hope it goes away soon because I am even more tired and lazy than normal, which is saying a lot. I must go rest now. ;-)


ericswan said...

All these upper respiratory problems are chemtrail (since 1976) related. Get well soon. Joe Vialls has a cure for what ails you. He was "offed" the same way that Dean Warwick was dispatched. Makes you wonder how much of Alternative 3 is actually going down.

LesleyinNM said...

That is always possible. If they have been doing that since 1976 it has become a lot worse in the past 5 or so years because although I always have had allergy problems they were not nearly this bad.