Wednesday, November 15, 2006

This and That

My myspace friend Stone Bryson has a poem up on the c2c website. Nice poem Stone! Sadly, also very true.
Don't know if anyone else caught Noory on the Alex Jones Show yesterday. I only caught the final few minutes, but it seemed quite lively with a caller accusing Noory of saying terrible things about the truth movement. Noory said he never did such a thing, Alex didn't believe it and I don't either. I know if Noory had done such a thing I would have noticed and been outraged, that is not something I would have forgot. It seems likely the caller was confusing Noory with Bell or maybe even Punnett, though he was insistent that it was Noory.
I am feeling much better today and even managed to get up off my lazy butt and do some things that needed desperately to be done.

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