Friday, March 23, 2007

Thanks to the O'Hare UFO

It occurs to me just now that I should take a moment and thank whatever it was that caused such a stir over Chicago's O'Hare Airport. Thanks to that event I have not seen a single article titled "where have the ufos gone?" or anything similar to that in months. If anything, more papers have actually started reporting ufo sightings again! So thank you, whoever or whatever you were.
It is true, now that the internet media has realized how many hits they can get from reporting ufo sightings and other ufo related articles there seems to have been a surge. At first I thought it was a ufo flap, but really these types of reports have always been there (check the ufo reporting center), it is just that the media has realized there is an advantage to reporting them, at least on the internet.
I do wonder why they didn't realize that people were interested in such things before, every poll shows that they are, but the media is like a group of old and very slow dinosaurs and it takes a long time for them to figure out such things. FOX news seems to still think Bush is popular, so go figure.
Just a clue to the media, ufos are always popular, so are Virgin Mary sightings, ghosts and just about anything else considered to be paranormal. This doesn't mean you should stop reporting other news, like what is going on in Iraq, it just means that those things should be included and if possible without laughing at the people who claim to have seen such things.


Marica said...

Great site you have here. I am going to put a link at my site to yours here. Maybe if you like mine, you'll do the same. :)

JaneDoughnut said...

Much applause for this post. And I also think if the media would take it seriously, instead of turning it into a joke, we'd be able to separate credible reports from the, um, not so credible.

Primus said...

We all know it's a conspiracy, just ask AJ. LOL

nolocontendere said...

Maybe the media will quit that nudge nudge wink wink act when they report these stories now. Jeebus how I detest that smug, condescending attitude.

LesleyinNM said...

Thanks for stopping by all!

Yes, they can report the Anna Nicole Smith story with perfect seriousness, but something unknown in the sky is CRAZY. Hopefully they will change, but I have my doubts except for what they put up on the internet. Apparently all us crazies are here, so they don't have to report it on TV.