Friday, May 25, 2007


I had to remove the technorati favorites widget because it wasn't loading. It will return whenever technorati fixes their glitch. Unless it was my glitch, but I don't think so. There are still plenty of great blogs to visit in my blog links.
I spent the day gardening and my cats spent the day getting stoned on the catnip I planted. Somehow I think they got the better of that endeavor. :-)


nolocontendere said...

Gardening is a labor of love, isn't it?
I look back over the years and see the connection with the cats also. Never been a dog person, always resonated with the cats.

LesleyinNM said...

I have a dog also and I love her dearly, but I have a better understanding of the cats.

Mike said...

Technorati, the comically inept search engine, has redesigned itself again - knocking itself out in the process.

Not your glitch. Too bad, I really like technorati...

...and my cats, too.

ericswan said...

Technocrati is spyware.

My little german dog says "bark"..

LesleyinNM said...

I have never had technorati try to install anything on my computer. Since they can't even run their site properly I don't see them doing a very good job at spying.

Pooka says bark too.