Friday, August 10, 2007

The Gold Star

Yesterday Regan Lee passed the coveted Book of Thoth gold star to me. I was honored that she did so, especially since I don't feel really worthy to take it from her. Now I have to figure out someone to pass it onto. I am not sure what the rules are or how much time I have for that. The problem is that I haven't had a lot of time for BOT lately and I all the people I know there, Regan, Jeremy and Daniel have already received the gold star, so I have to figure out someone new and that I don't know, who seems worthy of it. Things would be a lot easier if Alfred Lehmberg joined BOT. Yes, that was a hint.

Other than that, I have been pretty busy the last couple days. I have put many things off for months and now I am playing big time catch up. You would think that I would learn not to put things off for so long, but I never do.

Luckily the weekend is almost here and there is nothing I can catch up on during that. I am very much looking forward to seeing Stardust, as I am a huge Neil Gaiman fan. Probably won't see it until Sunday night because I hate the weekend crowds, Monday at the latest though. I am curious to see if it will be terribly different than the book, in which case, I may hate it. However, Neil assures on his blog that it is true to the book and the few things that were added enhance the film, we will see.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Alfred Lehmberg said...

Regan's put me on one knee,
Grateful that she'd think me key.
Honored by awards I'll be...
Though BOT... would they have me?

>> AVG Blog --
>>> U F O M a g a z i n e --

LesleyinNM said...

Who wouldn't have you? OK, maybe KKK and a few others, but who would want to associate with them anyway.

LesleyinNM said...

BTW, lovely little piece you wrote there.

Alfred Lehmberg said...

My enemies are legion! There's threat from every side! Religious fundamentalists, crass elitists -- them who hide!

They lurk around the corner, are found beneath a rock. All it takes: a third eye squeegee, you begin to take some stock.

Now mostly I'm just kidding, but a kernel of it's truth. I suspect I think the *same* as you... we've synergy... forsooth!


LesleyinNM said...

That is OK because you are a swashbuckler according to someone at BOT and I had to totally agree with that one. That person is on my list for the gold star, as it is obvious they are quite intelligent.

Alfred Lehmberg said...

...I've buckled a few swashes... [g].