Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Grey Matters

This week in Grey Matters, Money in the Sky, part 2: The pointless point.

Does making a few bucks really make you insincere or is that just a convenient excuse for those who can't come up with any better reason or evidence of why certain members of the UFO community (especially those they disagree with) are wrong or lying? Grey Matters will be posted at Binnall of America sometime today. While you are there check out all the great columns and interviews (podcasts, mp3) available at BOA!


DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

I know for us, the idea of charging for information/knowledge is an anathema... shouldn't spreading education be free?

If we were ABLE to make a living by studying things, we'd be thrilled... but as a rule, those that would hire people like us have agendas... and for the most part, it's a media agenda meaning more "creepy-greys abducting scared kids" then actual research and hypothesis into what's going on.

Let's face it... would most of the sheeple really be THAT interested listening to us talk about possible extra-dimensional possibilities with/vs. the ETH... or watch Fox Mulder and Dana Skully scream while running from the big-bad alien?

Also, as far as the most prolific "for profit" Ufologists (and I use that term VERY loosely,) you'll find many of them catalogued quite nicely at UFOWatchDog.com

Alfred Lehmberg said...

Nice piece over at BOA, L.

Assclowns are put on notice.

> www.AlienView.net
>> AVG Blog -- http://alienviewgroup.blogspot.com/
>>> U F O M a g a z i n e -- www.ufomag.com

LesleyinNM said...

Thanks Al!

Yes, Assclowns, there are far one than one.