Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Kal Korff - Res Ipsa Loquitur, Vol. I

The Other Side of Truth: Kal Korff - Res Ipsa Loquitur, Vol. I

1 comment:

Alfred Lehmberg said...

Korff is a klassic kase of klasskurtxian korn-ball, konfused konstructions of errant kraptastia... a ufological non sequitur.

Perhaps Korff can be seen as a source of embarrassment for a field already assailed with mockery and dirision... a soul on a stake outside the city-gates of Normalville to keeps its citizens inside... he seems made to order for _something_ that backslides.

Come get 'me' Maggot! Your patent disrespect of the 'required' left half of the bell-curve (forgetting intellectual insult to the rest) paints you as the worst kind of uninformed hypocrite because the coward you are dictates you snipe and whine from defilade in Eastern Europe, still smarting I bet, from the Ned Beatty impersonation Art Bell made you you do on his program last century... (Squeal piggy!)

Gee -- does anybody still have that and can throw it up on YouTube? I'd pay for a copy of it.

No, Korff is a kowardly klown, a wanna-be kop with *authority* to impose his authoritarian views, use other peoples horns as funnels... scurvy bastard.

Here's a conservative view of Korphy's performance on the radio once in 2002 -- yeah... I know, over 4000 words... but I wanted to be thorough.


And it's still there, un-like Kal's kopy-righted krap of making stuff disappear off his site when it's challenged or shown to be in arrears... 'koward'.

What a mook. The worst.

A megalomaniac authoritarian with a Christ complex... words fail, f__k him... sincerely. He's no solution, he's a cause.

As Jeremy Vaeni pointed out on another issue, "...ain't it cute when a flea thinks it's a big dog because it's biting one?"

Kimball, Tonnies, Randle? They endure faux-itinerant and cowardly cyberswine... still not quite as bad as Rich Reynolds and his "RRR Group[s]" or "Iconoclastoids":


Errant cyber-swine... all!

> www.AlienView.net
>> AVG Blog -- http://alienviewgroup.blogspot.com/
>>> U F O M a g a z i n e -- www.ufomag.com