Friday, February 29, 2008

This and That: Chopra, Quayle and Chemtrails

My super pokin' facebook friend Chopra is coming to Albuquerque on March 9th and I will be there! I know people think that I never go to UFO conferences or anything else, but if you make things convenient by having them right here in town I will go. I just hate traveling, whether it is driving to Roswell or flying somewhere -- I hate it. Mind you, it is the actual travel part and planning for it (what to do with the pets?) that I hate, I have never been anywhere that I didn't have a good time once I arrived. Though I do have to complain that UFO Conferences often have things far too early in the day for my taste.

As for c2c last night -- I normally enjoy Stephen Quayle and his bible/giants talk, but when he starts saying things like he did in the last hour of last night about knowing who the anti-Christ is I start to think he has gone all Ed Dames on me. I was disappointed by that to say the least.

The chemtrails have been crazy here the past couple days. I didn't have the time to sit outside and watch them much, but they were spraying like crazy. I did take some pictures, but I haven't looked at them on the computer yet to see if there is anything strange in them. I didn't see anything strange, other than the unmarked white planes and trails. Thanks be for digital cameras! I would have never wasted time and money taking such pictures if they had to be developed the old fashioned way.


Regan Lee said...

Again, it seems that there's something in the timing, for the past couple of days, especially yesterday, here in Eugene they were spraying like CRAZY. I took a few pics with my phone.

LesleyinNM said...

A nice change today the sky was completely clear.

Regan Lee said...

So was ours! Hmmmm...