Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Humorless Souls of the Abyss

I am thinking that the RRR group can soon qualify as a tax exempt religion. So far as I am aware the only people who can't find humor in a subject are those super religious types that think everything in the bible is the literal word of God and can't be joked about.

Humor is a natural human defense mechanism among it's other uses. You will find people joking around in the most unlikely of circumstances. Why? Because it helps to relieve stress and people who can find humor in the most dire and serious of circumstances normally live a longer life. You will find many studies on the value of humor to the well being of humans. You will also find that people who can find humor in horrible and serious situations such as life threatening cancer are more likely to overcome that threat. I have seen no studies that indicate that being serious and humorless improve any sort of situation at all. I have never found having a sense of humor to somehow keep me from understanding the true seriousness of a situation or dealing with it, it simply makes it less stressful to my well being.

I find humor in a lot of things, but especially the RRR Group's posts. Let's face it, if there are truly ETs visiting from another planet it is unlikely that there isn't a real "group" within the US Government that deals with that subject. I will imagine that they know a lot more and can handle things just fine without the RRR Group's help. In fact, I bet they find the humor in the RRR Group's postings. Some self important group of bloggers who think they are going to solve the UFO mystery with their seriousness. Really to imagine that there is any group or individual in the private sector who is going to unravel the UFO mystery or even that they would unravel a small part to the satisfaction of all interested parties
is totally ridiculous.

Another totally insane and funny thing in one of the RRR Group's post is that they make Ufologists sound like rock stars. Yes, male Ufologists are in it for the babes. Oh Bloggah! Do you know how many male Ufologists that I know that can't even find a date? Where are those groupies? The RRR Group needs to let everyone in on that secret because there are some lonely male ufologists out there that are really in need of that info.


Alfred Lehmberg said...

Yep -- in my opinion, living breathing scurrilous scuts of the first wash, you betcha! Worst I've ever seen is too kind as assesment.


Paul Kimball said...

Ignore them. They're trolls, of the saddest and most pathetic kind. What's even worse, however, is their so-called "research", which I and many others have pointed out as being laughable over the years.

LesleyinNM said...

You are right they are trolls and not worth writing about, but sometimes when they say something so outlandishly stupid it is fun to comment on it. :-)

Paul Kimball said...

Indeed, although I prefer to bash them about from time to time for their laughable "research".

Alfred Lehmberg said...

I would prefer to see —crushed— any hope of efficacious reputation for them and see them driven before me as rats before hungry raptors.

I would hear the pitiable lamentations of Rich Reynolds' platoon of young men as they moan and gnash the dentin from their likely fictional teeth... paying damages and composing effusively unconditional apologies ... but I sugar-coat.

Eric Cartman would find RR's tears sweet, I'm sure. I know I shall. [g].

Look upon your works and despair, RR...


Paul Kimball said...

Considering his recent defense of Tailgunner Joe McCarthy, one would think that people would finally see RR for the sad old John Birch bridge troll that he is.

Alfred Lehmberg said...

"Joe McCarthy was a great American, despite a patina that he was anything but."

...and not to be outdone...

"History is always being revised, and in the case of the Senator who is vilified beyond intellectual reason, the revision has settled in as a truth, when it is anything but."

Citation? A ringer "Wiki" article and Ann Coulter...

Great suffering and most baragrugous zot, but what a poisoned dwarf of a man. I'm reminded of phlegm encountered on a doorknob in environs _decidedly_ unclean. Eeeew.

...Step off "Richie." Oop, stop! First, pay me the damages owed, _then_ you may go.


Paul Kimball said...

RRR also smeared Dr. Edward Condon as a communist, and claimed that was why he tanked the Colorado Project. Now, while I think Condon did a hatchet job, it had nothing to do with him being a communist, spurrious charges of which he was totally cleared (like virtually everyone else), and then went on to a distinguished career, marred only by his work with the Colorado Project.

Of course, I'm sure RRR would defend the Alien & Sedition Acts as well!
