Thursday, March 27, 2008

US Army toyed with telepathic ray gun

US Army toyed with telepathic ray gun - tech - 21 March 2008 - New Scientist Tech

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The American Civil Liberties Union today announced that it has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with the primary American security agencies for information relating to the use of “cutting-edge brain-scanning technologies” on suspected terrorists, RAW STORY has learned.

Two private companies have announced that they will begin to offer “lie detection” services using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), as early as this summer. fMRI can produce live, real-time images of people’s brains as they answer questions, view images, listen to sounds, and respond to other stimuli.

These companies are marketing their services to federal government agencies, including the Department of Defense, Department of Justice, the National Security Agency and the CIA, and to state and local police departments.

“There are certain things that have such powerful implications for our society — and for humanity at large — that we have a right to know how they are being used so that we can grapple with them as a democratic society,” said Barry Steinhardt, Director of the ACLU’s Technology and Liberty Project.

Equally worrisome to the group is the fact that experts in the field have told the ACLU that the science to back up any reliable use of fMRI as a “lie detector” or “mind reader” simply does not exist. At most, correlations have been observed between certain brain patterns and particular, highly controlled behaviors produced in laboratory experiments.

Experts also note that these early experiments on a few American college students are a long way from real-world settings, involving individuals in widely varying situations and with widely varying cultures, intelligence levels and states of mind.

“This technology must not be deployed until it is proven effective — and we are a long way away from that point, according to scientists in the field,” said Steinhardt. “What we don’t want is to open our newspapers and find that another innocent person has been thrown into Guantanamo because interrogators have jumped to conclusions based on a technology no one understands very well.”

MIT ? it is at every college
With these people recording our lives these law's apply and with these people putting us on the Internet in the nude to view us this might help?:) I found this college in the Nashville area.It has the program we have been looking for with this information they can't deny this any longer,the computer that See's through your eyes. New Scientist magazine also talks about it also, this is the article this college has the computer and the programmers,we are programing computers this secret service office should help?,this device also studies the facial movement of your emotion this is what we are being harassed for? this is another program that is being used on us all. With these and the remote influence devices we are try to be changed? Who are these people?I do believe they they are airport security agents,air Marshall's with the neuro communicator,and the logic included we stop this from happening to us anybody could buy this equipment , with this company existing claiming to be able to build this equipment or something close to it this shit is killing us and there are so many laws against this federal lawyers will charge you up to 250,000 to handle a case,-P.C.-3398017-f.html but they are there. Police will take your report and do nothing but they are there,with the laws in place it's a matter of forcing them to do it,5,8;journal,12,26;linkingpublicationresults,1:101207,1 I hope this can help you with all you need this is an ABC news release about our police officers having this technology and using it as communication?is this not V2K? with this device which you can buy it can really hurt someone, is it regulated? NO! with this particular device and a few HSS speakers and tape recordings of different sounds and a test of some kind Just a thought and I am sick of this so let's do something about this? Now we can or we should be able too I hope this helps and good luck to all of us,SUNA:2006-04,SUNA:en&q=electronic+voyeurism+laws+usa