Monday, June 09, 2008

India contrail UFO caught on camera !!

Ufo blogger uncover the ufo truth

As anyone who has read this blog for very long knows, I have had my own experiences with strange flying objects and chemtrails.

Normally they are what I call orbs, but really that makes them sound round and they are more oval. Of course, there is also the tube thingie, as I call it.

The oval things seem to only show up when there are chemtrails. Usually the X chemtrails, but I have seen them flying in and out of the line ones too.

The tube thingie shows up often, sometimes there are chemtrails and sometimes not.

I think it may be likely that the tube thingie is some sort of drone from KAFB, or somewhere. Although, it does seem quite large for a drone, so maybe it is some sort of spy blimp. It could be from elsewhere though, it can really haul ass when it chooses.

I don't know what the oval things are, but I kind of doubt they are ours.

I can't really tell what shape the object in the video is. I have that same problem when I film the orbs and the tube thingie, they look a bit blurry on the video - or like most ufo videos.

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