Orange Orb
It really is just the moon. Yesterday morning I happened to go outside before the sun came up to find that the moon had turned orange. It was a huge orange orb, which made me think of Regan, of course. I am sure there is a logical reason why, but it was quite amazing and so I had to take a couple shaky photos after finding nothing to balance my camera on. People wonder why ufo photos are blurry? I don't. I can't even take a good picture of an object that isn't even really moving, let alone something darting across the sky.
Lovely photographs Lesley! At first I got all excited, lol, before realizing it was the moon.
Tonight it's supposed to be what's called a "Strawberry Moon" according to a lady on my AlienViewGroup list over at Yahoo Groups.
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I never knew you had a yahoo group. I did a quick search and joined. You could have invited me, ya know? :-)
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