Monday, July 14, 2008

A zillion stars

I feel like a dork because I meant to wish Loren Coleman a happy birthday two days ago. Anyhow, I hope Loren had a great birthday weekend!!! I have never met Loren in person, but he has always been totally nice to me and I really appreciate that since not everyone is nice in Ufology, Cryptozoology or anything related.

That is not to say that there aren't plenty of nice people because there are. Just not everyone.

I warn everyone now that my updates tomorrow and Wednesday may be very short. Tuesday I will be gone most of the day, maybe all of it -- so on Wednesday there may be no update at all. I can't say for certain now.

Aside from Tuesday, I can't tell you how much I need to get out of town and especially out into the wilderness for a few days. The problem is that it has been raining constantly (meaning every evening) here for what seems like weeks. Hopefully I will make it out -- far, far out and soon. Somewhere where there are no lights and just a zillion stars.


nolocontendere said...

Good for you, Lesley, and soak in the majesty. It always recharges the batteries.
It rains in New Mexico? :)

LesleyinNM said...

Right now is monsoon season. Some years (like this one) we get lots of rain. Knowing how much it is raining here I know that higher up will be much worse. Still maybe by the first of next month things will have totally cleared up. I hope so.