Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Biscardigate 2008 -- Bigfoot in the Freezer Hoax

It is almost like deja vu! Three years after his big c2c hoax Tom Biscardi returns to thrill us with another. The word “thrill” is dripping with sarcasm, in case you couldn’t guess.

This time we have the 3 stooges, Biscardi, Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer. Or as I refer to them -- Biscardi, Bevis and Butthead, the 3 Bs.

Now at first I did think that Whitton and Dyer may have an actual Bigfoot corpse. Unlike some that scenario never filled me with glee. In my mind I could imagine anywhere that Bigfoot had ever been spotted being filled with men and guns, all trying to hunt down their own Bigfoot and cash in on the gravy train.

Then Tom Biscardi showed up as the “Bigfoot expert” and that made it clear to me that the entire thing was a hoax. Seriously, if you found a Bigfoot body and wanted a Bigfoot expert is someone with the reputation of Biscardi who you would choose? Nobody with anything genuine would pick someone like Biscardi.

Let me lay blame somewhere else too, other than the obvious 3 Bs. There is a fourth B -- Bushnell. Bushnell has a 1 million dollar reward for proof of Bigfoot. Is it possible that Bevis and Butthead somehow thought they could figure out a way to collect on that? We will probably never know, but it is a possibility. Can we expect more lame attempts to collect on this reward in the future? Probably.

Unlike some I do not believe such hoaxes harm true Bigfoot research in anyway. Just as I don’t believe ufo hoaxes harm true ufology research. The media was looking for exactly what it got. They love crap like that. Had it been a real researcher with some real evidence of Bigfoot (short of an actual body) it is unlikely he or she would have got any attention at all. I think it is likely that the media knew just as much about Biscardi as I do (they have access to google too) and they knew exactly what to expect. They played along because it was something to attract more viewers or readers, no matter that it was a hoax.

Am I saying the media is actively looking for hoaxes so long as it will improve their ratings? Yes, in a way. Not just hoaxes though. They will report on real ufo stories like Stephenville in order to improve their ratings and they will laugh it off in the same way as the Bigfoot hoax. They will use the real or fake for their self serving purposes.

Now let’s get back to Tom Biscardi. Once again, just like in Biscardigate 2005, when he claimed to have a live captured bigfoot on c2c, he is once again trying to say that he was hoaxed.

Let me quote Biscardi himself from the press conference --

“What I saw, touched, felt and prodded was not a mask that was sewn on a bear hide. And what I smelled.”

So there is Tom Biscardi assuring us that he has not only seen the dead Bigfoot, but also touched, prodded and smelled. All that and “the Bigfoot expert” couldn’t tell it was just a costume?

1) Tom Biscardi is a big fat liar and hoaxer
2) Tom Biscardi is a complete idiot and certainly no Bigfoot expert

It doesn’t really matter which of those is the truth -- Tom Biscardi needs to forever retire from Bigfoot hunting.


Atrueoriginall said...
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Atrueoriginall said...

Blinking eyes lie. Check out number 3 below. They all had excessive blinking but if this was a contest, Biscardi won hands down