Monday, August 18, 2008

The Daily Circus

Our friend Adam Gorightly took that great photo and also attended the Biscardi/Bigfoot Body media circus event. You can read his account of it at --
The Anatomy Of A Media Circus: Will The Real Bigfoot Please Stand Up? « Adam Gorightly’s Untamed Dimensions

I just totally love that sign. Someone needs to create a Bigfoot T-Shirt that says that. I would buy it! I may make my own at Cafe Press.

I really enjoyed c2c last night with George Knapp hosting and guest Ted Phillips. Ted has some really great stories and should be on c2c more often. Ted is a ufology icon IMO.

Don't forget that whole c2c show of Hoagie goodness on Thursday! It may even inspire me to do some audio clipping for my podOmatic site again. Hoagie is so funny! Even when he isn't trying to be. I don't mean that in the sense that I think everything he says is bunk, but the way he presents it is priceless.

Queen of the blogs, Regan Lee, has started another great blog -- Pulp Jello. It isn't esoteric, but it is really cool and has a super cool name. So check it out!


Alfred Lehmberg said...

Ted Phillips is the GOD of UFO physical trace cases, numbered in the thousands! He _should_ get a lot more light, verily.
>> AVG Blog --
>>> U F O M a g a z i n e --

Anonymous said...


here is an interesting site for all Bigfoot fans on CNN:


Regan Lee said...

I love that saying too -- don't ya think Bigfoot knows you're there before you've even arrived? lol

(and thanks for the Pulp Jello plug!)