Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Daily Circus

The post below from UFO Mafia is something I have been griping about for ages, so obviously I totally agree. There is just something sick and disgusting about people within Ufology feeling that their job is to debunk others. No, that is the debunkers job -- not yours! As many know I could go on and on about that subject, but I will spare you this time around.

Facebook is acting up on me again. I am not sure what the deal is with that, but ever since they changed to the new look there are certain times when it knocks my modem offline every few minutes. Luckily it doesn't happen very often because it is really irritating. I have to turn off my modem and completely reset it. Aside from that I really enjoy facebook, there are lots of silly time wasting activities available there. :-)

Jerome Corsi is really being skewered by the liberals lately. I am very much enjoying it! I can't stand Corsi. The things he says and the way he sucks up to George Noory makes me sick. I hate the way he pretends to not be a neocon when he so obviously is. Even worse, here is a guy who supposedly believes 911 was an inside job and he still shills for McCain and Bush. What a poser, liar, piece of crap.

Eeek! I better get to sleep before I start calling Corsi more names.

1 comment:

nolocontendere said...

Corsi is a poser, out for the bucks and he'll say anything that's convenient at the moment. Which is psychotically dangerous when it's talk about more damn wars.