Wednesday, September 17, 2008

ABC UFO "Special" was not so special

Yes, the ABC UFO Special -- blah!

I suppose there are people who enjoyed it -- people who didn't know a damn thing about UFOs before watching. To the rest of us it was the same old crap that we have heard a million times from both sides, so-called believers and skeptiebunkies. Worse than that, it was almost an exact replica of the ABC Peter Jennings UFO Special from a few years back. It even had the same clips from Art Bell and a bunch of others. It was horrible. Even Britton who doesn't watch many UFO shows sat there with me for a few minutes and said "Isn't this the same crap they have on every special?" Yes, it was. Then he asked -- "why do they do that?" I started to answer, but then he said it was probably to desensitize people so they become completely bored with the subject. That was as good an answer as any.

Onto other tv -- Fringe had another good episode last night. It is a keeper and I will be watching every week. I like the main character Olivia a lot. She is neither too girlie nor too macho -- she is like a real person. She also is not too much of a believer or a skeptic (so far) she is just kind of along for the ride and whever it takes her.

Enough TV talk. I am tired since I got up early yesterday, so I will finish up what I need to do and catch you guys tomorrow.

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