Saturday, September 06, 2008

Diversity in Ufology

Prophet Yahweh is at it again. Who can resist that, especially when he puts out a press release with a title about super human black men from other planets? Obviously I can't resist it.

Oh yes, I know there are some out there cringing. They think people like Yahweh make everyone involved in Ufology seem like a nut. Speak for yourselves, it is my personal belief that nobody aside from yourself can make you look like a nut. So what if you do look nutty, why do you care? We should have all learned that from our families, almost everyone has that one crazy uncle or some relative that is a total nut, it only causes a few small minded people to think the entire family is nutty.

Yeah, it gives the debunkies ammo to say we are all crazy, but who gives a crap what they say. Even if we were all sane they would come up with some other flaw.

So think of Ufology like a family, there are those you don't especially like and those that may be completey nuts, but if you want to be involved you are kind of stuck with them. Might as well make the best of it and try to enjoy diversity.

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