Friday, September 12, 2008

Dutch Medium does NOT claim the ability to predict crop circles

Hey all!

Below is an email I received from Nancy Talbott yesterday. I have Nancy's permission to post it here and it seemed the easiest way to set the record straight.

There was a bit of confusion a couple days ago when someone changed the title and posted Nancy's article about Robbert at their site, without a link to the original article or mentioning where the article came from. Several sites linked to the article (including me) thinking it was written by the person who posted it. Everyone knows how much I hate that type of crap which is in most circles consider plagiarism!!! They changed title read Dutch Medium claims the ability to predict crop circles and even that part was phony.

Hi again, Lesley....
And thanks for providing the correct link to this report. From our posting you can see that Robbert v/d Broeke does not "claim" an ability to predict the appearance of crop circles at just happens to him that he will "know" when they are occurring, and where, and usually what they will look like....if they are in his general area of southern Holland. But he doesn't "predict" them (he doesn't make public statements about these "knowings"). In fact, if people read not only this particular report, but all the other reports on the "van den Broeke Case" page on the BLT web-site, they will see that Robbert doesn't "claim" anything....he just reports all these strange events and circumstances to his family, and to me, and now also utilizes some of these abilities on behalf of his clients--and very occasionally demonstrates some of the abilities to the public.

Point I'm trying to make is that Robbert van den Broeke has no interest in playing the "guru" to anyone's preconceived ideas. He didn't ask for these abilities, they were apparently always with him--and as he matures his effort is to try to understand what they mean and how he can use them or develop them so as to be of help to other people. He feels that his unusual capabilities are derived from a profound source of great love and compassion, but he has no idea why, precisely, they are manifested in him--he in no way claims that he personally is special. It is simply just a fact that he can do, and does do, some very special things.

And he is trying to understand how he can be of assistance to others, how he can spread his understanding of this great love in the universe, for the benefit of people who are also trying to enlarge their perspectives of reality. I know that he would, if he could, make this experience available to everybody in the world--anybody who wanted it....but people must realize that he is exactly like everybody else in most respects. Just a normal person, with some peculiar, unusual talents. And his only real interest is to help manifest more love in the world. A very simple desire which--as we have all seen so many times--seems to cause such tremendous angst among people who don't understand.

Robbert is not a guru....he's just a young man who sees more than some of us. And wants to share it. Don't make him more than he is....don't isolate him that way. Just listen to what he says and then sit back and see how it resonates for you. Take what he says (if it appeals to you) and observe what he does--and then use the information in your own life, however it suits you to do.

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