Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ufology Groups and MUFON

We're having a little UFO meeting here in Albuquerque today. Just a little reminder that any local people who want to be informed of our next get together should let me know.

What else can we do? MUFON almost always meets in Roswell or Socorro, so we had to form our own group. I don't mean a group in the sense of laws or rules -- just people who get together to talk about ufos and other paranormal stuff.

Anyhow, I am looking forward to finally meeting in person -- Area 51 researcher, Norio Hayakawa. So F@^k you MUFON! I don't really hate MUFON, but I don't understand why the most populated city in New Mexico gets so little attention. In the two years I have been getting MUFON updates -- only one meeting has been in Albuquerque. Are there fewer MUFON members here than in the small towns of Socorro or Roswell? Maybe like me they let their membership drop because there are no MUFON activities in Albuquerque? Should I suggest to James Carrion that we hold "other" MUFON meetings in Albuquerque? I am serious. I would like to know that there are others in my community interested in the subject, but I have no chance to find out.

For the most part the MUFON Journal is worth the subscription, but I refuse to subscribe any longer when I don't get the other benefits of MUFON. Am I too picky? Maybe so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Twenty six things all Abductees should know before allowing so called
Alien Abduction investigators to investigate their cases.
by Posey Gilbert 11/14/99.

In the UFO and Alien Abduction Phenomena it seems to me that the most over looked and under served participants in these events are the Abductees and Experiencers, or the (A/Es).
Although they are the ones that have had the encounters that the book writers and the so called Abduction Experts are making their living off of, they seem to be the least ones that derive any benefit from their coming forth with their information.
I term them as The Double Raped.
First they are mind raped when their Linear Universe is torn asunder by a Quantum Event which puts an end to all they ever knew, and held to be true about the universe and their place in it.
Then when they try to tell of what has happened to them, they find they have no one to talk to that really understands what they are trying to say.
Far worst most investigators/interrogators do not even attempt to try to understand.
The A/Es are basically are expected to tell their experience to someone or anyone that calls themselves an Investigator but offers no, nor could ever offer any credentials of their expertise in this phenomena for they have not experienced these events for themselves.
I know this to be true for I am one such individual that has been put through the ringer by the hands of these so called Investigators.
You are expected to sit quietly and let people from every walk of life pummel you with stupid or overly embarrassing personal questions, some filled with (though unspoken) blatantly racial insults, and sexual innuendo, while questioning your mental health and your veracity.
Were you on drugs or medication?
Were you raped by your parents or siblings as a child?
Were your parents alcoholic or mentally ill?
Are you mentally ill or alcoholic?
It could be you were having hypnogogic hallucinations or sleep paralysis.
Are you sure it is not false memory syndrome?
You know of course it has been proven that abductions are triggered by some disorder in Temporal Lobes.
it could be the Military Mind control Program over you.
Why would the aliens take you and not someone more educated?
Why would they come to the South Bronx or East New York?
Did they probe you?
How did you feel about that?
Did you have sex with them?
Did they have sex with you?
Have you been saved, how then are you sure it was not demons?
Why didn't you bring back a scalpel, or one of their watches?
Aren't you just looking for attention?
Let me have your tapes of the UFOs.
Why didn't you get a clearer shot?
You have a computer, how can we know you did not doctor these tapes?
Give me your original tapes.
Give me all the samples you collected.
Give me that implant you removed.
You are expected to comply with every request made of you and answer every question they ask of you, but they will give you nothing in return not even answers to your questions.
Then once they have gotten all they can from you, they run off and write a book about your experiences, or pieces of them and sell it to the highest bidder, leaving you the A/E no better off than when you came to them for help, thus you now are left emotionally raped.
It is because of my experience with such people that I have decided to sit down and write out the things I feel every true Abductee/Experiencer should ask anyone that wishes to "investigate" their claims of Alien Abduction/Encounters.

1)The first thing any A/E should ask about the investigator is have they ever personally experienced UFO, or alien contact?
This will assure that they can not only understand the deep life changing effects that these encounters can place upon the A/E and those about them, ie. family, friends, and neighbors, but also some of the more peculiar aspects of your encounters having experienced them themselves.
This being so, the Investigator will be able to understand the way these events unfold, and know what questions to ask, and what information is really important in an Abductees remembrances.
Because all investigators have not had these experiences, they then should have at least along with them a true A/Es who's purpose is to listen if not to conduct the interview.
I pause here to tell you the difference between an Abductee and an Experiencer.
An Abductee feels they were taken against their will and a crime was committed against them.
They are full of terror, post traumatic shock and baffled by the event.
An Experiencer has all of the above but has transformed enough to be able to look at the events with out falling again into the terror of it, and has basically come to terms with the event enough to think that there may be another way to look at it.
Their terror is no less real, but the panic is no longer present.
It, their terror or fear, is now used as a tool, much like a smoke alarm, or a lie detector to tell the Experiencer to be aware that what they are hearing is true, or in the absence of these feelings that what they are being told may not be true, but imagined.
All true A/Es know the cadence and syntax of an Encounter it is not like dreams or imaginations.
There are things in these events that can only be experienced by experiencing them for their are not human words or concepts that can give description to them.
This is because they speak to, and awaken the "Sleeping Mind" we have come to call the Unconscious.
The Conscious mind has no words for these things that it can understand.
However, when certain words are correctly spoken in the correct cadence and syntax, or events are correctly described to those that have had like kind experiences, they again awaken the Sleeping Mind.
It then responds with sudden chills, and rising body temperatures, dry mouth, stilled breathing, nervous excitement and all the other physiological and emotional phenomena that come with a real encounter.
The Experiencer can look upon the event being related to them without experiencing the emotional upset that these feelings can trigger in Abductees.
This way the finer points, often over looked by non Experiencers can be clearly seen and pointed out by the Experiencer.
This is not to say the Experiencer is better than the Abductee.
It is only to say that they have become better able to handle their experiences.
Though I know of no Experiencer that would willingly go on the first UFO that drops out of the sky, or with any strange looking entity that shows up in the bright of day or in the middle of the night.
Fact is, I am suspect of any that would say they would do, or has done so.
In the light of day all Abductees are Experiencers, in a darkened bedroom at night all Experiencers are Abductees.
Still I feel an Experiencer is best for they have some what come to grip with these encounters.
Although Abductees, may serve just as well in the absence of an Experiencer.
That is however, saying that they can handle the stress that goes along with hearing of events that may trigger frightening memories and give rise to unresolved issues of their own personal encounters.
2)You should ask, what books the interviewer has read about this phenomena?
Like this you can get a mind set of whom you are dealing with.
Make it your business to know if the investigator has or is presently writing a book about this subject, or if they are in the future planning to write a book about this subject?
If so, you should know if you will be paid if your encounters (whole or in part) will appear in their future books.
If you wish you should make sure your true name appears in their writings so that you may be contacted by others that may have had the same experiences.
This will help you to truly know that you are not alone in what you have gone through.
It will both aid you in acceptance of what you have experienced, and in your transformation to the next level of understanding of this phenomena also.
Most importantly, this will also help you to establish the investigators motives in dealing with this phenomena.
Is it to make money off of what the Abductee/Experiencer has freely given them, or to truly seek understanding of this perplexing phenomena?
If you don't wish payment this is fine, but at least make sure you have some control over how your recountings are retold.
Better still would be to ask that you be a collaborator on the section of their book that is being written about your experience.
That way you can assure that they are told intact and reasonably unedited.
Some investigators will strip out parts that do not fit into their way of seeing things or that do not follow the theme of their books.
A/Es need clear unadulterated answers and not skewered postulations bent to which way the most money can be made.
3)Is this a hobby for them or do they do this in search of real answers?
I have found that most investigators are Hobbyist or "Wanna Be" book writers.
Some of these groups and people pop up when this is a hot item in the media, just to quickly vanish when interest in these things wains leaving the A/E feeling abandoned, dejected, and raped.
These types do not have your best interest in mind and will do anything, and say anything to get what you have, be that your experiences, or any evidence that can prove your experiences as being real.
Yet once they have the evidence or, are shown the evidence they do not know what to do with it or how to handle it.
They only know that they must have it, and will make you feel like you must give it to them or they will find against you.
So it is wise to know that they know what evidence is, when they hear or see it.
In my case the grass and weeds that started to grow back in a spiral to my horror were be sat upon and raked straight by and investigator that did not know the significance of these patterns.
Another thing over looked was the fact that broken ordinary kitchen utensils that I used to dig up the soil at the site as well as the metallic tops of the small mayonnaise jars that I put the soil samples into became magnetic.
This too was over looked and basically pooh poohed when I bought it to the attention of one investigator.
Their focus was on radiation and not magnetics.
When any well read person knows that electromagnetic irradiation is a documented phenomena of UFOs I could not see why this bizarre turn of events was over looked by the investigator.
True the magnetic tops could come from a machine used to lift them and screw them onto the jars in factories, but not the utensils.
This at least should have been investigated to clear it as a possibility as a, or not as a, explanation for the magnetizing of these objects.
Please understand me, none of the above statements about Investigators is meant to belittle their efforts, but only to show that if one is posing as an investigator, they should know enough of the subject that they are suppose to be investigating
to recognize possible evidence when it is present.
4)What is the interviewers religious or spiritual background?
You should know if they are there to help you or convert you.
5)Do they have any financial backing to do a real thorough investigation of your experience, and any evidence you may have to prove your abduction was real?
6)Will once they have talked with you and taken your evidence will they keep in contact with you about their further discoveries of your case, or will they vanish like a thief in the night?
Only to pop up somewhere else unexpectedly, like on a tv/radio talk show hawking their new book about your experience, guised with the name of another?
7)Will your evidence remain your property?
When I years later asked for the return of the soil and plant samples I had turned over to one investigator I was told they had been thrown out.
I am to this day puzzled as to why they were not just returned to me when the investigator lost interest in the phenomena.
8)Do they have the funds to have it analyzed?
I was under the mistaken belief that NYCMUFON had the funds to do the needed testing on the soil samples I had given them, but I was wrong.
I later found out they like most of these groups are just plain Joes that were at that time, interested either because of personal experiences or popular culture in these things.
I feel I should have been told this before I turned over my samples and so because of this I suggest that these questions be asked.
9)Can you be present when they are being analyzed?
Like this you can be sure there is no switching, theft, or loss of your samples.
10)Will you get copies of the results when or if they do have such analysis done?
Unfortunately I did not know these things when I gave the soil samples I had
taken the next day from the sight of my abduction to NYCMUFON and NIPPON TV.
I have never received any information or the soil sample back as to date.
I deeply regret having done this, in as much that, other than my video footage of UFOs and of my abduction site I have no tangible evidence of the event.
11)If you have recovered an implant do not give it to any one with out the written understanding that it is an will remain your property!
Skeptics, and investigators alike these days often demand that if you have tangible evidence you turn it over to them.
Or, they offer to pay a miniscule amount of money for things that would be priceless if they are found to be the real McCoy.
Why should you lose, or allow them to lose, artifacts that has been given to, or discovered by you?
12)It is sad to say, but it must be said nevertheless the race of the investigator also plays a part in this too.
If a non minority is asked to go into a minority area in which they are reluctant and uncomfortable, the research is often rushed, and the researcher is not willing to return there to look about, nor to test on their own with out the presence of the afore said subject.
As a result of this much more first hand evidence that could have been gathered goes wanting.
This is also why I felt it took so long (almost three months) for the NYCMUFON Group to come and see what evidence I had, by then because it was in a public place (a park), the evidence had been trampled over and destroyed..
I myself continued to gather on tape and in sample jars what I could while I waited for the investigators to show up.
Those are the very samples that are now lost to me.
Had they come when I called they could have gathered their own evidence to test along side that which I had gathered.
Also during the time I was waiting for the Investigators to come and even afterwards I was having nightly sightings of UFOs some I could tape others I could not.
Because of the fact that I live in a dominantly black and Latino area I could not get any of them to come and sit with me to watch at night.
So anything I could see but could not tape could not be verified by a "Second Sighter" so to say.
After a close encounter with an Entity that appeared in my back yard my home electronics went crazy and paranormal activity began to occur some of which I documented on video tape some of which I could not, I could not get anyone to come to see it for themselves so again I might have a Second Sighter.
My tapes were taken to be seen but no one would come to stay to witness it for themselves.
One last incident was the flowing of a water like oil from the clouds in a picture my brother Ralph had made while he was alive.
It flowed for almost a week but I could get none of them to come to document it.
I did however tape it but no one came to view it still all there was to see on tape was a clear water like liquid running down a picture.
What good was that when any one would simply say I had put it there myself?
Had any one of them come then they could have seen it for themselves.
Is that not what real Investigators are suppose to do?
Again I feel this too was because of racial differences.
Not hatred but uncertainty, and fear of the area.
13)As an A/Es you should be encouraged to ask if you can video/audio tape your interview in full, and that you be given a copy of the interviewers tape also.
Like this if need be you can have proof of the things you said, and things that were said to you incase litigation later becomes necessary.
This will also verify any samples that you turn over to the investigator.
This will keep your testimony to the investigator documented so that at a later time you can point out any inconsistencies that may arise if your words are edited in any latter works of the investigator.
!5)Insure your samples/implants if you can, and have the investigator sign a receipt for them.
These days your information has become a commodity and it should be treated as such.
16)See if you will be given the names of other A/Es willing to speak to you, but only about how their cases were handled by this investigating group or investigator.
These investigators almost assume the roll of a doctor, priest, and therapist in the lives of those that they deal with, and so they should not be offended when you ask from them such information.
17)Most important you should be able to ask the investigator "Why do you ask?" to any question that to you seems out of line.
You are still a citizen and have a right to know the reasoning behind anything that you are asked.
However; write down your questions and ask them after your interview is done.
Some will find this objectionable at first sight.
Are you saying for the interviewee to interview the interviewer?
Yes, because it also helps you to understand just what they are asking you, and may trigger points that you did not light on during your interview.
18)When you do not know, or are unable to answer a question just say so.
Some investigators will find problems with this but only the aliens know why they do what they do.
If you try to answer questions you do not really know the answers to you will end up confabulating speculations which does no one any good.
Like the old saying goes, "Talk about what you know about."
If you do feel you must speculate state it as such a speculation.
There are those investigators that will press you to answer all their questions, but if you can not, then do not, regardless of what they may say or feel.
Remember the hardest question to answer about Alien Encounters are "Why?" and "Why not?"
This is because "Whys" require Linear answers for Quantum Phenomena, for both questions relate to cause and effect which is in itself a Linear concept.
Things that occur in Quantum Phenomena often have no whys or why nots they just happen, and are as they are, because that is the way they are suppose to be.
This is totally unacceptable and rejectable to the Linear way of viewing, and understanding the Universe.
If during the time between when you contact, or are contacted by an Investigator you stumble across some whys and wherefores right them down and speak of them if you like but do not try to fill in the spaces on the spur of the moment just because you are asked to and feel you must.
The understanding of these Quantum Events unfolds to the Linear Mind over time, and if you later develop another understanding of what happened, know that you will be confronted by those that interviewed you if what you say now seems to contradict what you said earlier, and rightly so.
This is why the presence of an Experiencer at your interview will prove invaluable.
19)Regardless of how strange your encounters may be, be as accurate as you can about them, when telling them to your investigator.
Because Quantum Time, now there's an oxymoron for you, and Linear Time are experienced differently do not be surprised if you recall events out of sync, or remember seeing yourself during your experience from the outside also.
Tell them as best you can remember them happening, with out getting trapped in the whys and wherefores.
20)Try not to become agitated or crossed with your investigators' inability to understand what you are trying to say.
It does not matter if they seem to believe you, or not.
What is important is your accuracy in your reaccountings.
Those that never saw an elephant would not believe you either if you told them about it, but their disbelief can not non exist elephants, just as the investigators belief can not validate, or invalidate what you know you have experienced.
21)When talking about sizes of craft if that is what they are, try to be as accurate as you can, do not worry about obvious differences of the insides to the outsides of these things.
Remember this is Quantum Phenomena you are talking about, just say what you saw, as you remember it.
Trying to explain how an object may seem larger on the inside than the outside, will come just as easy for you as it would for a caveman after seeing a tv trying to tell the people of his time that he saw beings that could fit the whole universe in a box.
When dealing with a culture that can fold and step outside of our Linear concepts of time and space, where does time, space, distance, and size, and shape fit in?
It doesn't so do not get caught up on trying to explain it, just stick to what you know you experienced.
22)Expect to be grilled on these things by the Investigator because for the most part they are all set in the Linear way of seeing the universe.
Explain as best you can what you can, and what you can not explain leave alone.
23)Do not be afraid to look the Investigator straight into their eyes and express yourself clearly as you possibly can allowing your emotions of that time and during the experience to show if possible, but do not fake it.
If you are telling the truth this will never be a problem, as you recount the event your body will naturally reflect what you felt during those times.
Do not try to mask these feelings, yet do not become overwhelmed by them either.
Simply tell the things as they happened to you, and your body will do the rest.

24)Be honest about your visual handicaps, or if you were drinking or were taking medication at that time.
Just because you have bad vision, had a drink, or was on medication again does not disavow what you saw, although it can offer another explanation.
Because of diabetes I now suffer a loss of some vision.
Still while I was in Virginia I witnessed UFO activity.
My brother Chuck, was having a beer at the time and he saw it too.
As did my father who takes heart medication.
Does that mean this event did not happen?
I think not, all three of us saw and described the same thing.
25)Do not be swayed one way or the other by the actions, or reactions of investigator just tell what you remember and no more.
Some investigators have their own hidden agendas and you, if you are not careful, may find your self making one or all of the following mistakes.
You may...
A) Get caught up in their positive reaction.
B) Become crossed by their negative response.
C) Become disheartened by their apparent indifference to what you have to say.
Thus I again repeat here it is important that you ignore their reactions and stick to what you experienced, and know to be true.
Stay focused on what you are both there for, your report.
If later the investigator wants you to highlight parts of your report then fine go into the details if you can without embellishments to anything.
Remember they are not there to be entertained by you.
Hopefully both you and they are there for the same reason to make heads or tails out of these events, and to do that both parties should be up front and precise in what they say and do.
26)Most of all remember Investigators are human too, and so are subject to all the good and bad points that comes with being just that, human.
To be a good Investigator they must also bring with then some skepticism, but and open mind also.
Do not be offended by skepticism or flattered by a open mind when you are confronted with either.
Skepticism is not your enemy, nor an open mind your friend.
They are only the tools of a good investigator, and an investigator is but only a chronicler.
Know that they are not there to help you, or heal you, they are just there to hear you.
They have no power, other than that which you give them, so give them the truth.
In the end, it is only you that can really make use of, or turn loose of, your experiences.
If along the way you can bring light to this subject and thereby help someone else through it, fine that in itself will be its own reward.
If you should never find answers to your own questions, it is still important that you be as factual and accurate as possible when ever you speak on these matters to Investigators, Skeptics, and fellow Experiencers alike.
That is the only way we may ever find the truth behind this phenomena.

'True experiences doth make Infidels of us all!" Posey Gilbert