Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A night off to recover

I just don't feel up to my normal blogging tonight, so no news links today. Blog blips in the sidebar always has links to recently updated blogs though.

I don't necessarily feel bad, but after ending up having one of my teeth pulled I felt I deserved the night off. Although, actually there isn't much pain and certainly I was in far more pain before it was pulled. I do feel really exhausted though and I think that is due to the trauma I put myself through thinking that it would be far worse than it actually was.

The deep root cleaning was nothing like when I had it done last, which was at least 7 years ago. Last time they used some sort of tool that they pulled the crap out from under your gums by hand. It was horrible and took at least a full hour to do one side of your mouth. Now they have some sort of electronic tool, it didn't hurt at all and was done in like 10 minutes!

I pretty much knew they would end up having to pull my tooth and since I had never had a tooth pulled before I was afraid. That didn't hurt either, but that sound it makes as they are taking it out is totally creepy!

The only thing that actually hurt was the shot to numb me. Of course, that is also what kept the other things from hurting.

Thanks for putting up with my boring dentist experience instead of news links! :-) Hopefully I will be back to normal blogging tomorrow.

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