Still nothing was better than watching the new Prez give that slap in the face speech and Bush having to sit there and listen to it. That was the highlight of the day! This is one of my favorite parts --
As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals. Our founding fathers ... our founding fathers, faced with perils we can scarcely imagine, drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man, a charter expanded by the blood of generations. Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give them up for expedience's sake.Yeah, I am hoping that means that we can rid ourselves of horrors like the patriot act, torture and other human rights violations.
Anyhow, it was a lovely inauguration and however things may turn out in the future it was nice to see people so full of hope and love, even if it doesn't last. :-)
Here's hoping that the US administration and those that follow them has finally learned that the answer to terror is not to inflict more terror on the innocent. Sure justice neds to be dealt to the guilty, but Gitmo, the invasion of Iraq on false pretenses and the mind-set that believed that such means justify the ends have finally realised that those ends will never be achieved by abandoning the Constitution.
The USA has to be on the side of the Angels, or to the rest of the world it will forever be on the Other Side.
Pray God, that this speech means this lesson has hit home!
Lets hope this does last-As an American living in Canada I look forward to the day when we are received warmly again.
As for the speech-it was brilliant and touched on the key issues we are all facing.
All the best Lesley!
Exactly how is the Patriot Act a "horror"...because its disrupted potential terrorist attacks?? Please help me on this one because i dont get it. Im amused that you wrote
Still nothing was better than watching the new Prez give that slap in the face speech and Bush having to sit there and listen to it.
Goes to show what your idea of "peace and love" is....if that was your biggest thrill from watching Obama's speech then your a sad person
Alex -- if you don't understand what is wrong with the patriot act I doubt I can explain it to you. I shall just say that spying on citizens without a warrant is against everything the founding fathers stood for. Really Obama says it much better than I in the quote I included.
I think you misunderstand my hope, peace and love comment -- I meant towards Obama and the future, not Bush and the past.
I suspect that it all boils down to "Protecting and Defending the Constitution of the United States." We'll all recall the fuss made over getting the Presidential Oath correct between neocon appointees and hoped for agents of efficacious change. Why is that?
I suspect that it is because the aforementioned oath _hinges_ on the protection and _promised_ defense of that foundational document, eh?
See, you have to ask yourself: how well has our Constitution been served in the previous eight years. Protected. Defended.
The tree of liberty _is_ nourished with the blood of patriots. Real blood.
Blood damages have been incurred. Justice must be served or our Constitution is diserved. All the way to the bone or the rot is left to fester for our children, hope and love notwithstanding; arrest and try for war crimes with all deliberate intention and speed!
Gitmo is being closed, torture outlawed -- a good start to restoring the constitution.
there are about 303,824,640 people living in the United States,please name one documented case where a US citizen has been illegally spied on due to the Patriot Act,
please name one instance of torture that has been documented to have taken place at Gitmo or Abu Ghraib
and Alfred i suspect all the flowery rhetoric in the world wont save you from the answers to these questions because while everybody may have a right to their own opinion they dont have a right to their own facts..
It isn't like the NSA is going to advertise who they are spying on, but I am pretty sure journalists are still considered citizens.
What does it matter where the torture takes place?????????? Torture is torture no matter where it happens. Although there are several allegations of torture at Gitmo being investigated.
Na Na Na - Na
Na Na Na - Na
Hey Hey...
i quote from the article you provided a link to:
OLBERMANN: To what degree is that likely to mean actual eavesdropping and actual inspection? In other words, if not actually read or monitored by the NSA, everything was collected by the NSA, recorded, archived? Do you have any idea to what degree the information was ever looked at, per se?
TICE: Well, it's actually, even for the NSA, it's impossible to literally collect all communications. Americans tend to be a chatty group. We have the best computers at the agency, but certainly not that good.
But what was done was a sort of an ability to look at the meta data, the signaling data for communications, and ferret that information to determine what communications would ultimately be collected. Basically, filtering out sort of like sweeping everything with that meta data, and then cutting down ultimately what you are going to look at and what is going to be collected, and in the long run have an analyst look at, you know, needles in a haystack for what might be of interest."
im still waiting for a documented case of one American citizen who has been illegally spied on due to the Patriot sure with enough google searches we can find at least one person in a land of 300 million who were illegally spied on during the fascist Bush regime...
As for the torture issue i think on a planet with a population of 6,706,993,152 your inability to cite even one example of a documented proven case of torture being done under the auspicies of the evil moustache twirling Bush proves my point
and my dear Alfred i am afraid there will be no war crimes trial for Mr.Bush and Mr. Cheney. Im quite confident future generations will praise the courage and fortitude of these brave men while the unfounded speculations and innuendo of so much of the Bush critics will end up in the trash heap of history
sorry but if this is the best example you can give then i think Mr. Bush is quite safe from Mr. Lehmberg's wa
r tribunals
best regards,
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