Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mad March

It must be March! Thursday it was warm enough for sun bathing and last night it was snowing. More like spitting snow, but still cold and snow coming out of the sky.

Some of you will know Crow because he often comments here and at my other blogs. He has started blogging himself! It is an art blog actually and his artwork is really good! I think I like the painting of the two puppies the best, but you already know that I can't resist puppies and other animals. :-) I also really like the Wonder Woman one and Mark Twain.

Did anyone else catch the Jon Stewart interview with Jim Cramer (posted at Lesley Land)? Truly awesome! Snake oil salesman really fits Wall Street and Cramer. I have never liked Cramer or CNBC in general. Who do they really work for, Wall Street or the public good? My guess is Wall Street, getting people that really can't afford to to invest in crap. By the standards some put on Ufology, you know, we aren't taken seriously because there are a few frauds, fakes and crazies -- by those standards nobody should ever invest in the stock market again. Of course, since I don't really believe that is why certain people and the media don't take Ufology seriously, I am sure once the market starts going up a bit more, people will be throwing money at it just like before.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lesley!