Wednesday, March 18, 2009


It has been so beautiful here the past couple days! I haven't wanted to do anything except sit outside in the sun and plan a garden, a new patio area and other summery things. Not even any chemtrails to get me looking for orbs and rods. Clear blue skies! I am sure that will all change soon though, if not today.

I have even been working out and promising myself that I will get back into shape and be able to wear a bikini with my head held high again by June. I keep writing that publicly in different places hoping that it will inspire me to continue my work outs. For some reason stating something publicly makes it more of a plan, more concrete, than just saying it to yourself. Of course, while I am outside exercising I will also be scanning the skies for any strange objects that may fly by and have my cameras near by. :-)

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