Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Aliens and Coyotes

Judging by all the related posts it seems to be Stephen Hawking day here at TDF.  That is what happens when MSM reports an alien related story, it is suddenly important because they reported on it.  And it is important in a certain way because to people that aren't obsessed freaks like us (or like me anyhow) -- all they hear or know about aliens and ufos may come from the MSM.

Just as I was writing this a pack of coyotes were out behind the house howling at Pooka, who is out in the yard.  I know they can't get in the yard and she can't get out and I have seen Pooka when she is loose chase a whole pack away, but I still turn on the big yard light to scare them away.  When Pooka is in - I don't mind them howling.  When she is out - I do.  I feel like they are talking smack to her. :-)  One of them was really weird sounding, not like the typical coyote.  He seemed to be the leader and started howling first and then later the others joined in.  Pooka barks at them, but I can tell by her bark that she isn't really concerned.  She is way bigger and chased packs like that up into the mountains for years before we put up the fence.  Of course, I worried each and every time, which is why we now have a fence, but she always came home without a scratch on her.

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