Friday, April 16, 2010

Time Traveler Caught in Museum Photo?

Time Traveler Caught in Museum Photo? | forgetomori


Erik said...

Jeff Ritzmann proved this a hoax. He find a glitch in the pixelation pattern. Sorry.

LesleyinNM said...

Oh, pleeze! Everyone know that time travelers emit EM energy that causes glitches in pixelation. :)

LesleyinNM said...

And yes, I saw that typo but I am not correcting it because that would be like time travelin'.

purrlgurrl said...

Well, per the latest episode Fringe, everybody around the time traveler would die when he jumpsd back!

LesleyinNM said...

I loved that Fringe episode! Interesting thought too because supposedly it would take tons of energy to time travel. I wish they would have explained the things he was sticking under his skin a bit though. I imagine they were some sort of conductors, but I would have liked them explained.

Erik said...

That crazy EM Energy is probably being emitted from his uber kewl glasses and that awesome Brownie Camera is just a guise to hide what is actually a small reactor for the EM Emitter. I see it all so clearly now...

LesleyinNM said...

Now you're gettin' it!