Sunday, November 14, 2010

A couple more links and a bit o' bitching

My facebook friend, Shepherd, sent me this link today - symmetry - July 2009.  It is a magazine put out by the DOE that has a brief article on the UFO Hunters visit to Brookhaven Labs.  You can download the PDF of the magazine at the site.

Another link - The Ufologists.  You will find Ms. Tina Sena is the latest to be added.  Tina is totally cute, as always.

I find the NASA news conference (linked below this post) on Monday to be quite intriguing.  Pretty sure I will end up being disappointed, but still I can't wait to find out what the "exceptional object" is.

Onto my bit o' bitching:

To any of my facebook friends that may have missed my many status updates about this - Please DO NOT add me to your group.  Send me an invite, I can decide for myself.  If you add me without asking I will leave your group even if I like it.  It is just rude to make the assumption that I want to join your group and get your group emails.  Since I normally have to go to the group to turn off the email updates, it is easier to just leave it -- I shouldn't have to go there at all since I never joined it.  It is one of those little things that just really bugs me and I probably shouldn't let it do so, but I can't help it.  While I am at it, don't tag me in photos that I am not actually in -- unless for some reason you feel I would be really interested in that photo.  It sticks me with getting email of every comment on that photo and I am forced to go remove my tag from it.


Anonymous said...

I could not agree more on the group thing. It is one more example of Facebook's complete disregard for allowing the user to make up their own mind. They continue to build upon the notion of involuntary 'community'... and I do not care for it.

LesleyinNM said...

I blame people on fb even more, they should be smart enough to know that is rude. However, fb should provide some way that I can opt out of being added to groups without my permission and they don't. It is one of those things they changed that sucks.

Regan Lee said...

Same here Lesley and Stone; I find it very annoying and rude.