Wednesday, January 05, 2011


Just in case I don't post at all tomorrow - know that I have a bad cold!  Hopefully it won't get any worse.  I have been trying to fight it off for several days.  Actually I woke up yesterday feeling pretty good.  Went to the meeting about the UFO conference (which was great!) ran a few errands and then realized I totally no longer felt so well and came home.  The soreness of my throat I can blame on blabbing so much, but aside from that I feel much worse too.  Also, maybe it is just me, but whenever I have a cold I get a weird taste in mouth that won't go away.  It is the sure sign that I a cold.

I drank a bunch of echinacea tea and now am numbing my throat with wine, which will hopefully also allow me to go to sleep soon and I will wake up tomorrow feeling normal!  Yeah, so I am hoping.

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