Tuesday, January 11, 2011

More whining

Contrary to to what the blogthingie says, I have not been feeling very strong lately.  Yesterday I thought about going to the doctor, but I know exactly what would happen - been there, done that.  He would tell me that I have the flu and there isn't really anything he can do about it.  Then I would get a lecture about how if I had got the flu shot I might not have the flu.  Of course, he can't say that for certain because there is no way to know which flu I have.

Instead, I forced myself to do more of my normal daily activities since I can't imagine laying around all day is really helping me to get better.  I don't feel back to normal, but I do feel better.  Pretty surprised that Britton hasn't got it from me, but really happy that he hasn't.  I would hope that I am past being contagious at this point since I have had this almost a week.

So enough of my whining!  I will try to come up with something better tomorrow. :-D

1 comment:

Alfred Lehmberg said...

I didn't make my point clear... HEAL dammit! [g]