Thursday, April 12, 2012

Blogging A-Z: H is for Horror

Possibly I should have made it for Hayfever since my allergies sent me to sleep before I finished updating last night, but no.

I actually haven't read a true horror novel in years, so I have no clue who the newer popular writers are.  Love the classics like Lovecraft and Poe and the stuff I grew up with by Stephen King, Clive Barker, Ann Rice, Peter Straub and others.

I tried to think what my favorite horror novel or story is, but it was too hard to come up with one.  However, I have to say that Poe's The Masque of the Red Death has always really stuck with me.  It seems like something that did happen or could happen at any time.   Of course, love Lovecraft too, but I already did a Lovecrafty post last week. :-D


Regan Lee said...

I love this idea of the A to Z blogging -- I like the site and there are interesting links to follow. Like you Lesley I found out about it too late, seeing the link here on DF, but unlike you, didn't have the energy to keep it up anyway. Maybe I'll steal the idea in the future, lol. Or do something like a letter a week -- every Monday is a letter, or what have you. It's a neat idea for keeping yourself inspired I think! Been enjoying your posts on this.

LesleyinNM said...

I was going to do one each day, but sometimes I cheat like linking to Gorightly for G or skipping a day. Anyhow, since I am not part of the actual blogging a-z because I found out too late - I can take my time and not have to post every day. :-)