Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blogging A - Z: J is for Jackass

Just when you think the Republicans have spent all their craziness on alienating women, one of their super Jackasses show up and comes up with something even more offensive.

All I can say is that this Jackass should be forced to live up to his promise.  If Barack Obama is re-elected (which he will be), Ted either has to kill himself or local authorities must put him in prison. 


Alfred Lehmberg said...

This is what the terminal stages of Cat Scratch Fever look like, eh? Wotta spotty-lipped anal pore...

Dean said...

Man you buy into the lefts BS. War on women? it never happened it's Axelrod's way to distract you from thinking about the 5 trillion dollars of debt your idiot president has spent, or his otherwise failure to do what he said he'd do. You can hope for the government to make the world right, or you can do it yourself. WAKE UP SHEEP! I will never read your stupid blog again.

LesleyinNM said...

Don't let the imaginary blog door hit you in the ass on the way out!

Alfred Lehmberg said...

Hrmmm... and from "Dean," the terminal stages of getting all your news and information in one place...

I'm betting he's not missed from _where ever_ he bails... and, oh yeah, Rush is a fat hypocritical bastard, Sean sucks bat excrement from cave walls for cash, and Bill-O doesn't know the difference between a bath sponge and a frosted Belgian waffle... jus' sayin'...

polyphemus777 said...

I love your blog, but I don't understand why you have to interject politics into it, shame. Your site is very informative, a central hub for phenomenon, keep it up.

LesleyinNM said...

I don't have to interject politics, nor do I normally do so - but that was on my mind yesterday. I will never understand how anyone could agree with Ted Nugent and his crazy, really childish and unacceptable comments, so if I lose a few people from that I am OK with it. Well, and fine, someone (a man) can say there was no war on women. However, if you are a woman and you hear men talking about taking away your right to choose if you want to have a child (along with other things) it does seem like one and it isn't only liberals like myself that think so.

Jack Brewer said...

It is your blog, Lesley, and you are of course entitled to express yourself and your views however you choose. This is the case whether or not I or anyone else happens to agree.

The more specifically any of us express ourselves, the increasingly likely it becomes others will disagree and we will subsequently draw criticism for clarifying our thoughts and positions. The desire to remain in the good graces of as many people as possible, while minimizing negative public perception, is exactly why some ufologists choose to not address certain subject matter, such as the abduction phenom, while dealing only with UFO sightings; they are afraid of dividing their followings and decreasing the number of potential cheerleaders. This is just one example of many found throughout ufology in which both researchers and relatively average interested parties fail to express themselves in specific manners due to fear of decreasing their popularity.

It often indicates admirable qualities when people feel strongly enough about any given issue to publicly state their stance and commit to a position. While some may find themselves disappointed and angered in the aftermath, perhaps a healthier and more realistic perspective would be that which should be, but is often not, a given in the first place: we are individuals, agree on certain issues, disagree on others, and it is both unhealthy and unrealistic to perpetuate the perception there is any group of us that all agree on everything.

Bruce Duensing said...

Being an ace guitarist with a knack for self promotion by being "outrageous" does not equate to Nugent being the brightest bulb on the block although he is a voluntary mouthpiece for quashing civil rights as long as they are not his civil rights. I consider the source of this psycho babble as over reaching for a second career beyond the oldies circuit, a rock and roll Russ L..a self promoting flamer for bigots, racists and other good old boys. It's a pretty shop worn routine that he doesn't have the cells to maintain. This too shall pass.

LesleyinNM said...

Obviously, when I posted that I realized that may piss off one or two people, but in a way, isn't that what blogging is about?

There are certain blogs I have followed for years that I don't agree with anything political that they have ever said, but I am not childish enough to be so offended by different points of view to never read their blog again. Well, and I think perhaps that is a difference between the right and left - the right (though not all) are exactly that childish. :-D

polyphemus777 said...

There is a war on women, and it is being waged by the Left, who seek to keep women victims, dependent on and controlled by the left. The left failed to liberate women, instead, women are portrayed as sexual objects. What's shocking is how channels such as Nckelodeon and Disney are sexualizing girls at a younger and younger age. The left heap scorn upon women who don't work nor conform to the likes of Mary Tyler Moore. Thus, divorce, and single parents are a common occurrence. What is sad is how the left makes the right out to be villains, whose sole aim is to oppress women, yet the liberal bastions of film, television, and music have continued to sexualize and destroy the image of women; thus, justifying Islamic notions that western women are out of control and need to be placed under a sheet.

Alfred Lehmberg said...

...And what about those leftest gays and their insidious war of "agenda" making a mockery of an institution of marriage; Godless deviants unable to perceive the justice of the rages directed at them for _choosing_ to be homosexual? Praises be that the Right has its mind right about _that_!

Regarding the contrived hyper-sextualization of younger and younger girls: thank God, heaven, and its wonders that there are _legions_ of Red State matrons who teach their daughters age appropriate sex via big and small ticket beauty contests all over TV with "age appropriate" mascara, hair extensions, high heels, and haute couture.

Yes, yes! Women must shake off this "leftest control yoke" of demanding equal pay for equal work, affordable health care for single mothers and their children, and the shattered glass ceilings of sex discrimination limiting their advancement in career tracks of "choice."

...And speaking of "choice," where's it writ large, anyway, that a woman controlled by the Left has the remotest "choice" regarding the reproductive potential of even her own body, and this is without regard to her paying the lion's share of biological freight! That shall not matter!

If she conceives she is "blessed by God" _without_ regard to the provenance of that conception even if such is the result of her rape by her own drunken Father... she was likely _asking_ for it, eh?

Yes, it's the Left responsible for the the treatment of Islamic women by their misogynist husbands and would that we could keep our "own" women pregnant and in the kitchen ourselves bereft of attitude or entitlement! We didn't have these problems when it was legal to beat your woman with a cane as long as it was no bigger around then your thumb! Thank the Left these women are so out of control!

Polyphemus was a one-eyed giant who killed and ate women raw--consumed them whole--until a Leftest Ulysses rammed a sharp stick in his eye. I suspect the misguided and War embattled daughters of the murdered women were wrongfully thankful and would later vote Obama in 2012. These are women entirely unaware that they go against the "natural order" of things. I'm sure you would agree.

Pity. Obama, 2012.

LesleyinNM said...

I agree that the sexualization of young girls is horrible, especially that show Alfred mentions with the beauty contest babies. However, it is not the result of women like "Mary Tyler Moore," it is the result of a way of thinking that women are only here to attract men/husbands and that does not come from the left, it comes from people like Rick Santorum. Men such as him want women to marry and have lots of babies so they are dependent on men.

Thank you though, I have to say the reference to Mary Tyler Moore really made me laugh. A single woman with a job that did not have sex once during that entire run of the show (at least not that I remember). Very scary! I suppose the right would rather her be on welfare w/ a few kids than have a job?

Alfred Lehmberg said...

Hey! Whatcha bet Ted would have been a real tea-bagger on Fox News?

LesleyinNM said...

If Hannity is involved my guess is YES! Those two really like each other.

Alfred Lehmberg said...

Oh wow -- I meant "Ted" on the MTMS... forgot we were talkin' about cat-scratch ass-hat... but I agree.

LesleyinNM said...

Two Teds too many and both tea-baggers! LOL!

Alfred Lehmberg said...

...And such a weak tea, too.

polyphemus777 said...

I pity both parties, I am neither republican nor democrat. It's a shame Alfred that you seem to think I want women to return to the ideals of "Leave it to Beaver", too funny. I said no such thing, but whatever. The liberals brought about the Arab spring, so let's see how well women and gays are treated under Islamic law. Also, I never said women should be beat with a stick nor did I say women should not have the right to choose. You need to come up for air and look beyond your leftist view and see that young girls are truly being sexualized by both the music and TV, both liberal bastions I might add. But I understand, you probably believe a man should be able to marry a young boy or ones dog for that matter, yes those pedophiles are so under represented and oppressed by the majority of Americans. What's wrong is right and what's right is wrong Alfred. Obama in 2012, so true, he has done so much for our country and our space program, it's great that we no longer seek to travel into space, but instead focus on Islamic relations, cheers Alfred have a great weekend! Leslie, I love your site, and you are right to do whatever you like, true, just keep doing what you do, it truly is the best phenomenon website around.

Alfred Lehmberg said...

We really have to go no further, Cyclops, than to read where you equate gay marriage with bestiality. It's always difficult to see _yourself_ as problem's cause. Though, "the moving finger writes and having writ moves on. All your piety nor wit can call back a single line to alter, nor all your tears wash a word of it.

Atrueoriginall said...

Dang Leslie, Great post. This is more my realm and ditto to what Jack Brewer said. I don't even want to know who the Dean person is but he needs a good taste of MSNBC 6:00 - 9:00. He's obviously a Fox watcher, has to be.
I hate ignorance.

I'm still in hiatus but had to post here today.

I originally came in here to see if you know anything about the Rick Phillips thing where he fell victim this week in the Philippines. Or, is it a hoax of some kind? Dunno.

If any of you didn't get a message from him, here is his email address below. The best I could do is send him US Embassy links for American assistance. He's stuck big time and I'm living on unemployment so can't help.

Talk soon - Atrueoriginall (Eileen)

LesleyinNM said...

Rick's email has been hacked. I know this, not because I have heard from him, but I have received that exact same email from others who have been hacked.

Hope you are doing well!

Atrueoriginall said...

Okay, I won't worry about it then. That's pretty low to do that kind of thing with someones email. That's a new one on me too and I thought I had seen it all.