Thursday, October 20, 2005

Are Jews Smarter?

Are Jews Smarter


LesleyinNM said...

I have several Jewish friends and that is not my experience with them.

LesleyinNM said...

Also, although I don't believe Jews are smarter it has always been my theory that if Hilter wouldn't have expelled all his Jewish scientist he might have won the war. Luckily most of them ended up here and we ended up with the atom bomb instead of him.

LesleyinNM said...

I have not had that happen. Maybe they know I would laugh if they tried to win a arguement that way.

LesleyinNM said...

I think you are right that it wasn't his time or maybe wasn't his fate to win, but there were many stupid mistakes he made. Wasting men in Russia rather than taking the African oil fields is a major one that comes to mind. Russia in general was huge mistake, he should have learned from Napoleons mistake.