No not a alien. For the last several nights I have heard splashing in the pond and rustling in the bushes outside my office window. Pooka the dog trying to tell me that something is hiding in the tree above the pond. The next morning things in the pond would be knocked about and broken. At first I had thought this to be a dog or domestic cat. My oldest cat Sheba lives outside and in the garage. The other night when I went out to feed her in the garage I noticed the big tupperware thingie I keep her food in had been turned on it's side and the top removed. Not very much of the food gone though. Tuesday night for the third time I heard it again, the splashing in the pond outside my office window, Pooka is desperate to get out to chase whatever it is. Going out and looking about I realize that whatever it is comes up on the roof, we have steps to the roof of the one story part of the house and have a telescope and stuff up there, then down the tree to the pond. It is gone, but we go look up on the roof and find footprints from a puddle of water. The footprints are too big for a domestic cat, too small for a mountain lion, but just right for a bobcat. Now we have to somehow discourage this bobcat from coming over. I checked the internet to find out what we can do. First we put a big tub of water for it out in the meadow away from our house, motion detector lights by the pond and stairs to the roof and radio playing the local talk radio station in the garage and out the window of my office where the pond is. Hopefully this will work because I am worried about Sheba and another of my cats James Bond, who likes to play out on the patio at night. So far tonight I haven't heard any sign of it. If anyone has any other suggestions, other than shooting it, please send them my way.
That's spooky.
Beautiful animal. Also unnerving, I have 5 cats (yes, I'm the crazy cat lady!) and I'd be very worried about my pets.)
I don't have any suggestions, sorry. We be city folk. (If you can call Eugene "the city.") All around us though we have a similar problem with cougars; they've come down onto the campus even at times!
Good luck, be safe.
I am hoping that bobcats are creatures of habit like domestic cats and once I break his habit he will quit stopping by. I always knew they were out there, but never had any evidence they were visiting my yard. Haven't seen any cougars, but I know they are out there too. The bears don't normally hang this low, but every once in a while they do come down.
I did think of that, but last time I needed animal control by the time they actually got around to coming out I didn't need them anymore. So far my lights and stuff seem to have worked. If it does continue to come back I will have to call them and hopefully they will set a trap for it.
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