Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Exploring Unknown Country with Lesley

I was pretty disappointed with Whitley and Dreamland last week. First, Whit had made it seem like he and Linda would have a long discussion about Serpo. They didn’t. It seemed to only last about 5 minutes to me, but it may have been 10. This is all that I learned - 20 years ago a man came up to Whitley and kissed him on the forehead, Whitley heard a voice inside his head say “Serpo.” Whitley thought the voice said Serpico and asked the man who laughed and walked away. Linda goes back to her briefing with Richard Doty in 1983 and tells us about the Holloman landing where one human a biologist engineer was sent with the aliens. She also says that she heard that a couple more were sent later and a couple Ebens came to live here at LANL, but not the 10 or 12 talked about on the Serpo site. That is about where that topic ended and then it was on to William Henry. You can hear Dreamland in it’s entirety at

Onto the subscribers interview -
This was also with William Henry, but the host or hostess was Ann Strieber. Ann spoke of how she felt she had been in touch with Mary Magdalene. This apparently had to do with her obsession with roses. Then Ann went on to tell how she sees God as a mathmatical theory. Will Henry said that he likes the symbolism of the hour glass. He says we are living at the top of the pyramid and we can go down or we can link the heavenly energies with the earthly energies. They talk about roses some more. William Henry then proves to us that he likes using the word perfumery and says he thinks we need to get back to the study of perfumery. Ann talks about incense swinging in church. They then talk about the wonderful artist Dana Augustine (there is a link to his site in my sidebar), Ann says Dana calls her "Ann Roses." Will thinks Dana is a great artist and is very happy with the book covers Dana has done for him. Will then tells us how he likes the beautiful women he meets at lectures who are interested in the mysteries. Ann tells how Laurence Gardner said Mary was a magician. Will agrees that is probably true. Ann wants to know why some people can’t feel good unless they tear others down, like calling Mary a whore? They talk about Graham Hancock and LSD for a bit and then the great changes coming in 2012. Will expects 2012 to give us some sort of wonderful spiritual awaking.

That is it for my travels into unknown country this time around.

I want to mention that people should hop over to Jon's blog and read his SERPO analysis.


DA said...

Two great blogs indeed!

Anonymous said...

Whilst searching for a STAR TREK piece of mine, the 'SS Botany Bay', I came upon your comments about the recent Anne Strieber / William Henry interview ...

... and I have a brief correction as how I refer to Anne ...

I call her 'Roses' because they are her favorite flower and while she was bravely recovering from her terrible stroke of last year, I signed all my art with my name and an image of a rose to show my friendship, love and support for wellness.

Now, I have not listened to the interview, but that is -- as a wise man and or woman said, 'is what it is ...'

GREAT BLOG you you here!


Dana Augustine

LesleyinNM said...

I believe Ann also went on to say the rest of what you said about signing the paintings with roses and such. It was too long for me to write it all down.
Thanks for stopping by!