Saturday, March 25, 2006

Catching up

I have been out of touch for most of the week. Busy visiting with friends who were in town from Florida. I had a great time! Still, although I have followed the Jones/Sheen story through Prison Planet I didn't have time to comment on it.
I am totally in awe and pleasantly surprised at this turn of events. Never would I have imagined that 82% of the people who voted would be on Sheen's side.

The Richard Doty / Robert Collins feud seems to be continuing. A link was posted to a review of their book "Exempt from disclosure" on "the list" to which Doty replied "Sorry, some mix up on your part. I had nothing to do with Collin's new book. Leave me out of it."
Collins replied to that with "Rick, I don't like this to be a public mess but you contributed to over 50% of what's in that book, that's a matter of record....."
Of course, it is a matter of record and before the feud Doty often talked about things he has said in the book. I guess he is now hoping we all forgot that and believe his new story about having nothing to do with the book.

Yesterday we made a trip to the NM art museum to check out their Modern Spanish art exhibit. It was quite good, many Picasso's, a few Dali's and many other thought provoking paintings and sculptures. For the most part I would say Spanish art is more political than western art. It is understandable given that most were done during world wars and civil war in Spain. One of my favorites was a very modern piece called the flag of Europe, it looked like the European Union flag except instead of stars it had the symbols of corporations, the ones I recognized were car companies like Mercedes.

I hope all is well with everyone!

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