Sunday, March 12, 2006

Coast to Coast Rewind

Sunday - Art Bell's guest was Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy. He was a old friend of Father Martin and was suppose to talk about exorcisms and evil, which he did a bit, but it was in no way comparable to Father Martin. I don't think Father Martin will ever be replaced.
Monday - Richard Hoagland was back and sounded in good health during the first hour with George Noory and they talked about the alien "red rain." I expect Hoagie will be back in the near future with even more on the subject. The full show guest was Marvin Herndon talking about Earth, geophysics and the solar system. I didn't get to hear this entire show, but what I did hear sounded OK.
Tuesday - Phillip Gardiner was the guest and he was suppose to talk about ancient mysteries. In my opinion, he didn't really talk about mysteries, he talked about things there was some proof for and was skeptical of everything else.
Wednesday - Michael Salla was the guest and he spoke about space weapons and ETs. I had been worried that he would go along with the rest of the exopolitics crowd and say there is no reason to be shooting at ETs because they are all good, but he didn't. I just cannot believe all aliens are good, I assume they are like humans, some are good and some are not. I had heard most of this before, but still a pretty good show.
Thursday - David Weiner was the guest and he was suppose to talk about psychology and positive thinking, I assume he did, but I missed most of the show.
Friday - I hear there were two guests the first couple hours, Porcher Taylor and Richard Rives, both talking about Noah's Ark. Thinking it was all open lines I did not listen so I will not comment.
Saturday -
C2C live with Ian Punnett - Ian's guest was Andrew Coloarik to talk about cyber terrorism. I listened to the first couple hours, but found cyber terrorism a bit boring for me and I decided to watch a movie instead.
C2C am with Art Bell - The first hour Art teased us by basically saying he would be doing something crazy soon, but not saying what it was. For those of you who may be worried about him, I am pretty sure he meant crazy in a good way. The show guest was Peter Davenport. Art and Peter revisited the Phoenix lights along with some eyewitnesses. Guess what I was doing the night of the Phoenix lights? If you guessed listening to c2c you are right. I remember all kinds of people calling in telling Art he wouldn't believe what they saw earlier. It was nice to hear about the Phoenix lights again and I admit that I didn't realize how big the object was so I learned some new things.

I will have to say that Art and Peter Davenport on Saturday were my favorite show of the week. It was nice to hear Peter again, it has been quite a while.

1 comment:

AB5SY said...

I agree, last nights show with Peter Davenport and the Mother/daughter witnesses was one ofArt's best in a while. Now if Georage will do a full show with UFO