Last night was the season finale of Lost. If you didn't see it and want to be surprised stop reading now.
My EM theory of last season turned out to be correct. I think Locke and Eko must be dead, but they didn't exactly let anyone know for sure. I had become more and more irritated by Locke this season so really I wouldn't mind losing him, but Eko I had come to like. Still, I can't imagine a major character like Locke being killed off so we will see. Michael needs to die since he has now killed two people and led Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley into the hands of "the others." He did get Walt back, but I somehow doubt that will be the blessing he had hoped for. Hurley was sent back to tell the rest to stay away from "the others." Did I mention that Sawyer is hot? Ok, enough of that. I don't know why I can't think of the Scottish hatch guy's name right now, but obviously his girlfriends father has something to do with things. I think the father somehow arranged for him to end up on the island and now the girlfriend learning this has located him, thanks to some Russians. Is he dead? One would think so since he is the one who destroyed the hatch, but I guess we will have to wait until next season to find out. Charlie and Claire have kissed and made up. Michael and Walt were sent out to sea in a boat with the coordinates to get home, or so "the others" told them. Sayid, Sun and Jin (Daniel Dae Kim, who use to be on another of my favorite shows 24) are on "the others" side of the island at the place they believe to be their camp. Speaking of which, while they were sailing to that part of the island they passed a huge statue of a foot that looked rather like the ruins of the colossus of Rhodes, or what you would think the ruins would look like if there were only a foot left.
So a pretty good season finale. I am irritated with all the reruns last season and I am hoping they can somehow work it out next season so I don't end up with 3 or 4 weeks of reruns in a row, that really pisses me off.
Now to suffer through all these months with no new episodes.
Hi Lesley -
A few additional notes on Lost...
The statue remnant foot had only four toes.
Desmond's failure to enter the code (while out killing Kelvin) caused the EM imbalance that in turn caused Flight 815 to crash.
While Michael and Walt did drive off presumably toward rescue, there is a strong hint that he (or Walt) might find a reason(s) to come back and help the Losties. Note the long glance between Michael and Jack, and also the several nervous glances back by Walt as the boat made off.
The fact that the pneumatic tube from the "Pearl" led to an empty field proves that the people in the "Pearl" were involved in a behavioral experiment, not those in the "Swan". This is also verified by the immediate effects of NOT pressing the button. The Swan "story" was real...not so the Pearl.
So, Locke now sees the error of his ways, but may well be dead along with Eko, who turns out to have been right all along.
A very satisfying and still aggravating season finale...I enjoyed the heck out of it.
Can't wait to see what happens next fall, and of course over the summer with the "Lost game" running rampant.
Great blog!
Hey Kyle - Nice to see you back again! I had almost forgot about it only having 4 toes, that was another strange thing. Also, there is no way I believe that it is a modern thing. I was kind of hoping it would turn out that Kevin was still alive and the leader of "the others" he is such a awesome actor in parts like that. I still can't imagine Michael redeeming himself no matter what he does so I think he may be killed off even if he comes back to help. I can't figure why the others want Jack, Sawyer and Kate. Walt made sense because he is special, but I have no idea what they would want with them.
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