Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Exopolitics Certification Program

Certification Program


The Bigwig Debunker said...

Even with all his lernin's (sic), it looks like Krusty Komarek didn't make the cut to be a (sic) instructor.

I don't know what's funnier:
- The fact this "certification" program exists
- The fact that there are stooges out there that will pony up the $5,625 needed to complete the series
- The fact you took this seriously enough to provide a link

I seen 'em, I'm tellin' ya!

The Bigwig Debunker

LesleyinNM said...

I provide a link to any news that has to do with UFOs, whether I take it seriously or not. I have even linked to such as Susan Clancy, however misguided I may find her work.