Art Bell is really pissing me off right now. I don't think I can stand to listen much longer. He seems to think anything the government does that they say is to fight terrorism is totally fine. Obviously he has been totally brainwashed by their propaganda. Errrrrrrrrr! He doesn't get it at all! I guess as long as storm troopers don't come knocking at his door and take his broadcast equipment he thinks all is well.
In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.
-Martin Niemoller
Too true, sadly. However, a technical remarks - in the Niemoller's original text the Jews are not mentioned, it's a later addition. See here:
Oh well, it still fits and should have been there so I will used the "revised" edition.
Whitney has his finger on it. L kinda is "code" for the free thinkers on the planet. Bell and his ilk are here to draw out the "in" crowd and when they come for us, it will be based on a list of those who couldn't win a lottery if there lives depended on it. In straight and true, TPTB are able to manipulate the present from the future.
Sad to say, I can hardly listen to Art Bell any longer. After years of thinking his program was cutting edge as far as our collective conciousness was concerned, I realize that a high profile program like Coast will always be compromised by TPTB and will always be manipulated to suit the ugly agenda.
I think his "troubles" a few years ago were to threaten and bring him on board and to make him more of a team player, and also to ameliorate the program to fit what his masters feel is the purpose of the whole enterprise. It's obvious that his assertions are now wholly consistent with the Big Lie and he won't entertain any other reality.
Damn I wish this wasn't the case but it's inescapable that Coast has been modified and doesn't resemble it's astounding possibilities from years past.
I find it very sad. I always think of Art as being smarter than Noory, but in this case he is much dumber. I stood by him with his 911 wingnut remarks, because I understand that certain people find the whole 911 conspiracy hard to believe at all, some would rather not consider it. However, saying on National radio that you are willing for the gov to monitor your phone calls, your library records, your email, your credit card receipts and so on should disgust anyone who values their freedom as an American.
I was surprised at Art's inabiliity to "get it." Not too surprised, but still -- as the guest asked him, (I'm paraphrasing here) "Well, at what point do you start to get worried?!"
What, how much, has to happen before people like Bell wake up? It's a little ironic; he's known for bringing fringe topics to the airwaves, he has guests on like Alex Jones and Jim Marrs (I'm not saying Jones is better than Marrs) -- etc. , and yet Art seems to have lost it when it comes to what's going on around us in this country, under our current ruler.
The ridiculous and simplistic response that "I have nothing to hide" is disgusting. That is not the issue, and I suspect many who say parrot that phrase know it. They're just too lazy, and too scared, but won't admit it. Easier to go along.
Another of my pet peeves, those who dismiss gov intrusion because they say they have nothing to hide. I am sure many Germans prior to WW2 thought the same thing and many of those didn't survive the war and if they did it was in a prison camp and just barely.
The other thing is (and yes, it is obvious), but if they "hate us for our freedom" as we are constantly told and we give up freedoms in order to "catch" them, haven't they won without having to do much of anything?
Lesley, your last point is right on!
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