Thursday, October 26, 2006

This and That

My cable internet was freaking out earlier. I kept getting disconnected every few minutes. I finally went up on the roof and found the line tangled in a tree and untangled it. For some reason it freaks out when that happens. All seems well now.
A couple hours ago we took the dog for a walk and it was SNOWING! It only lasted a few minutes and none of it stuck, but it was a shock because it has been pretty warm lately.
My gripe of the day - Rush Limbaugh needs to leave poor Michael J. Fox alone! The Republicans wonder why people think they are uncaring monsters? I know Rush doesn't speak for the Republican Party, or at least they won't admit that he does, but if they want even more of America to hate them, they can just keep picking on poor Michael J. Fox. Many people, like myself, pretty much grew up with Michael and we will not stand for people picking on him! Rush Limbaugh - I challenge you to a duel! In the duel I get to give you Parkinson's disease and after several years you can once again tell us how you feel about stem cell research. If you aren't begging for it by then you will win the duel! Rush would never agree to that though. He can't even handle back pain without drugs. Sadly for him, I believe in karma and if it catches up with him he is in for some real tough times.

1 comment:

ericswan said...

Lesley it bugs me to. It's like he is accusing Mike of faking Parkinson's not just the symptoms.