It so happened that I came across a certain blog, it shall remain nameless so nobody else is exposed to the filth, the author of the post said that gays could all drop dead tomorrow and he wouldn't care. After that he gave a bunch of obviously fake statistics, if he would have taken the time to check he could have figured that out, but it didn't suit his purpose to have the real facts. This person pretends to be a Christian and yet is so full of hate that it must be satanically inspired. At first I thought of posting my own nasty comment and then I really thought about it and burst out laughing. Why was I laughing? Because as recent history has shown us, psychologists have been right all along, men who make a big deal about gays not marrying or how gays are going to hell are normally gay themselves. It is never the married guy who could care less what gays do that turns out to be gay, it is always the married guy who feels he has to make a big statement about how wrong being gay is. Yeah, so that is why I was laughing. Poor repressed gay man, sitting there with nothing better to do than mention his obsession in a negative way because he is afraid to be honest.
Saturday was my birthday. It was great, except for that getting older part. Britton got me an awesome 80 gb Ipod, with video. I have no clue why I need an Ipod with video, but I am determined to find a reason. I also got a dozen lovely roses from friends, Ann and Ralph. No party over the weekend because my niece was sick with the flu, so I haven't seen anyone in my family. My sister Becky's b-day was the 15th so we are going to celebrate both next weekend.
As you may remember Dr. Turi made some pretty big predictions for my birthday, November 18th, so lets take a look at them -
November 18th – Terrorism, dramatic news involving the police, sex, secrets, famous people, death and finances.
OK, I will give him the famous people part because of Tom and Katie's wedding, but unless I missed something the rest did not happen.
Just got an email from my friend Christian Macé and his article "Writings and Symbols of Aliens" is linked at the c2c website. It is also linked here in yesterdays links, but through the google translation rather than the ufo digest version, as you may have heard me complain before the ufo digest website freaks my computer out. Christian makes my 3rd friend in a week to have their site or something they have written mentioned on the c2c website. Keep it up c2c!
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