I want to give many kudos to BOA Audio and guest James Carrion! It was very interesting and informative interview, Tim asked many of the questions that I have wanted answered for years.
As a result of this interview, I finally joined MUFON. I know many of you will be shocked that I was not already a member of MUFON, but truthfully, I do not have much belief in formal organizations. Normally it seems that such organizations have a particular dogma that they expect all members to have. In listening to the Carrion interview, I did not find any MUFON dogma, other than a belief in ufos. I was also very pleased to find out that they have been studying abduction, which seems to have become an unpopular topic, avoided by most ufologist lately. Besides that, I am also excited that the MUFON files will eventually (hopefully sometime soon), be made available to members online.
Now to move onto some bitching. I mailed a Christmas package to my niece Jen in MASS, the week before Christmas. I admit, it is my fault that I sent it to be wrong address not realizing she had moved and that I didn't realize that the USPS would do nothing to help me. Basically they told me that it was delivered to the recipient and that they could not get it back. When I told them it was not delievered to the recipient because she doesn't live there, they told me they consider a recipient to be an address and not a person. So apparently any mail I get that is addressed to my address is mine, whether it is intended for me or not. I find this very interesting since I have at least a couple times received checks intended for my neighbor that the company had made a mistake and typed a 5 instead of 8 on the address. Does that mean those were legally my money? Silly me, I was honest and returned them. Which brings me to something else, the dishonesty of the people or person who did recieve the gifts I sent and didn't return them. I suppose that could still happen, but I have my doubts. My gifts will be sent UPS in the future, which I gleefully told USPS. I have had similar things happen with UPS and they have always went and picked up the package, returned or fowarded it with no problem.
Lastly, I seem to be getting very slowly better. I think I must have had the flu, as I can't imagine a simple cold being this bad. It is strange for me because other than allergies I almost never get sick. I actually managed to walk around the yard for a couple of minutes today before I became too exhausted to continue. Poor Pooka is suffering too, as now Britton has it as well and nobody feels well enough to take her for walks.
Luckily, we haven't needed to drive anywhere because it would be nearly impossible to make it out of the canyon and even if we did the roads have been shut down by the state for most of the past 2 or 3 days.
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