Monday, March 12, 2007

This Week on BOA Audio

I have been a bit out of it lately and I somehow forgot to mention BOA audio when I normally do. Here is the preview from Binnall --

Esoteric pundit Mac Tonnies comes to BoA : Audio for a marathon conversation. In this first installment, we'll be discussing Mac's book "After the Martian Apocalypse". Mac tells us how he got interested in the esoteric, how his Mars work came about, his thoughts on the Martian anomalies (including in-depth discussion on "The Face") and the purported NASA conspiracy to cover it all up. We'll also smash the 4th wall and talk about the evolution of the Mars anomaly community, including Mars Face guru Richard C. Hoagland. Plus, of course, tons more.

You can find this interview at, along with tons of other great stuff!

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