Saturday, March 24, 2007

This week on BOA Audio

The word from Binnall:

This week : Marie Jones, "Psience" Critically acclaimed alternative science writer Marie Jones guests on BoA : Audio to discuss her book "Psience". We discuss the seemingly antagonistic relationship between esoterica and mainstream scientific research. We discuss defeating the two problems facing esoteric research : funding and fear of ridicule. We cover the latest in multiple universe and multiple dimension research as well as the zero point field. Plus the contagiousness of paranormal experiences, deja vu, ancient religion as a window to new science. And what all this new science might mean to both finding answers to esoteric enigmas and the everyday layperson.
You can hear an MP3 preview of Marie Jones on BoA : Audio HERE (Just right click and then "save target as") or listen to it in streaming audio HERE.

Keep an eye out for that interview to be posted today at Binnall of America.

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