Sunday, November 11, 2007

In Memoriam

The world is now a little less cool. RIP Norm.
In Memoriam - Sinister Forces blog

1 comment:

CindyPDX said...

Ahhh Norman Mailer died?

There is this one album my daughter and I just love called Savage Garden by Savage Garden. I bought this for us back in 1997. On this excellent CD there is one song called "Santa Monica" and in the chorus lyrics it mentions "Norman Mailer" Not sure if they meant the same Norman Mailer but the song is really good!

Chorus lyrics read as:
But on the telephone line I
am anyone
I am anything I want to be
I could be a super model or
Norman Mailer
And you wouldn't know the
On the telephone line, I am
any height
I am any age I want to be
I could be a caped crusader, or
space invader
And you wouldn't know
the difference
Or would you?

On this site find the complete lyrics and a snippet of the song HERE

OR you can download the COMPLETE SONG in mp3 format HERE

More about Savage Garden HERE

RIP Norman Mailer!