I managed another interesting rental at the video store this week. It is a documentary called RFK MUST DIE. I vaguely remember reading about it on the internet and it may well be available for free watching.
Some of you know from past posts that I am a huge admirer of Bobby Kennedy. Every time I have to watch footage of the assassination it literally fills me with rage and this time was no exception.
That is besides the point though because this documentary was far better than I had expected. Whatever anyone else says the footage of the strange man in the crowd looked exactly like David Morales to me. The footage of the other men who also looked like known CIA agents was also quite strange.
I had somehow missed ever having heard those Sirhan Sirhan regression tapes. The doctor conducting them was far too leading as far as the actual shooting went, but the parts before that are fascinating. The woman in the pooka dot dress that he has coffee with and then follows to another part of the building, where he is seemingly choked and perhaps hypnotized and given commands was riveting to hear told in his own words. Mind you, I am not describing the whole situation very well, but that damn doctor who had hypnotized him to get information was a complete moron. The doctor seemed to want to skip over that part as quickly as possible and get to the actual shooting. When they got to the part about the shooting the damn doctor kept saying things like you pulled out your gun, didn't you and other leading questions. Although they were leading, never once did Sirhan admit to firing a shot from that gun, at least not in the portions of tape in the film.
The best thing about this film was that once again I have been able to swing Britton over to my kooky conspiracy land. Although he did believe JFK was a conspiracy, he was never convinced by me that RFK was, but by the end of this film he was in my world. That is a good feeling. :-)
I was surprised to find it available at Netflix and put it at the top of the queue. Thanks for the tip.
I was surprised when I found it at my local Hollywood video, they don't normally carry those types of DVDs.
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