Klass, though dead, outdoes himself, and stokes corruption, still. He remains, of course, an evil scourge... a toxic... bitter pill. The sin this man commits still lives ... extends beyond the grave. But He remains a coward, Sir. Mere death shan't make him brave. . Dead, he's a scoundrel-whisperer and a scourge... at present time. He is without all honor; his memory a crime. He poisons still our search for self, throws mud upon our grace, disrespects our history... and spits upon our face. . It matters not a kindness, then, is paid because he's dead! He should, in fact, be vilified or cursed, indeed, instead. He was a social toxic spill, employed a poison pen, he was an undercover cur... a lurking cad, my friend! . It matters not the *good* Klass did, and there's a dearth of that... remember... Klass was just a panderer to *Mainstreams* turned to scat. But good must have a shelf-life; it shall not stand alone; the good men do, evaporates... is buried with their bones. . Evil -- on the other hand, the lower road endured... results in where we find ourselves... still shoveling Phil's manure. This lasting filth transcends his death, is never really gone. His *good* is immaterial. It's his *bad* lives on and on. .
alienview@adelphia.net http://www.alienview.net/
In the early 1980s, Stanton Friedman decided to immigrate to Canada from the US. Forgetting how prescient he may have been, I've heard Mr. Friedman say he did it primarily to take advantage of the superior health system.
Philip Klass got wind of it... ...somehow... ...and took it upon himself to write the Canadian Government a confidential letter ("...don't say it was ME, Oh Canada...") to warn them about the undesirable element they were getting ready to allow into their country. In effect, Klass was trying to poison Mr. Friedman's Canadian well before he got there, restrict Mr. Friedman's movements, and egregiously intrude on Mr. Friedman's civil rights. The scurrilous and unrepentant _bastard_!
In this just discovered letter, and on official letterhead, I understand, Klass warned Canada with regard to an "insidious threat" it faced... to the "security and stability" of their country... were they to allow Stanton Freidman, a "clutching, octopus-like snake oil salesman and uber-charlatan"... a destabilizing UFO believer (!) ... to immigrate.
Philip Klass, this shadow whisperer, this unethical miscreant, this back-stabbing proxy murderer (McDonald!) would now be held up in gracious eulogy as an elder statesman of ufology, and even as an improver of it at the denouement... ...or even, at worst... just a real good example of a bad example... but respected, reader, as an honored opponent from an honored opposition... and _true_ in his way!
No! NO! Not at this station.
Philip Klass was ever only a hurdle to aggregate enlightenment, an authoritarian dirty-trickster, a right-wing nut case, a back-stabber, a Judas, a liar, a cheat... and a consumptively corrosive scalawag. The best thing that could be done with the memory of Philip Klass is forget we ever had it, but as that is impossible... and also unethical (I'd allow a *truth* where Philip Klass would not!)... he can best be used as an illustration of the above verse... That the "good" men do is interred with their bones... but, their evil lives on and on...
From 2005
Klass, though dead, outdoes himself, and stokes corruption, still. He remains, of course, an evil scourge... a toxic... bitter pill. The sin this man commits still lives ... extends beyond the grave. But He remains a coward, Sir. Mere death shan't make him brave.
Dead, he's a scoundrel-whisperer and a scourge... at present time. He is without all honor; his memory a crime. He poisons still our search for self, throws mud upon our grace, disrespects our history... and spits upon our face.
It matters not a kindness, then, is paid because he's dead! He should, in fact, be vilified or cursed, indeed, instead. He was a social toxic spill, employed a poison pen, he was an undercover cur... a lurking cad, my friend!
It matters not the *good* Klass did, and there's a dearth of that... remember... Klass was just a panderer to *Mainstreams* turned to scat. But good must have a shelf-life; it shall not stand alone; the good men do, evaporates... is buried with their bones.
Evil -- on the other hand, the lower road endured... results in where we find ourselves... still shoveling Phil's manure. This lasting filth transcends his death, is never really gone. His *good* is immaterial. It's his *bad* lives on and on.
In the early 1980s, Stanton Friedman decided to immigrate to Canada from the US. Forgetting how prescient he may have been, I've heard Mr. Friedman say he did it primarily to take advantage of the superior health system.
Philip Klass got wind of it... ...somehow... ...and took it upon himself to write the Canadian Government a confidential letter ("...don't say it was ME, Oh Canada...") to warn them about the undesirable element they were getting ready to allow into their country. In effect, Klass was trying to poison Mr. Friedman's Canadian well before he got there, restrict Mr. Friedman's movements, and egregiously intrude on Mr. Friedman's civil rights. The scurrilous and unrepentant _bastard_!
In this just discovered letter, and on official letterhead, I understand, Klass warned Canada with regard to an "insidious threat" it faced... to the "security and stability" of their country... were they to allow Stanton Freidman, a "clutching, octopus-like snake oil salesman and uber-charlatan"... a destabilizing UFO believer (!) ... to immigrate.
Philip Klass, this shadow whisperer, this unethical miscreant, this back-stabbing proxy murderer (McDonald!) would now be held up in gracious eulogy as an elder statesman of ufology, and even as an improver of it at the denouement... ...or even, at worst... just a real good example of a bad example... but respected, reader, as an honored opponent from an honored opposition... and _true_ in his way!
No! NO! Not at this station.
Philip Klass was ever only a hurdle to aggregate enlightenment, an authoritarian dirty-trickster, a right-wing nut case, a back-stabber, a Judas, a liar, a cheat... and a consumptively corrosive scalawag. The best thing that could be done with the memory of Philip Klass is forget we ever had it, but as that is impossible... and also unethical (I'd allow a *truth* where Philip Klass would not!)... he can best be used as an illustration of the above verse... That the "good" men do is interred with their bones... but, their evil lives on and on...
I have always thought that Klass and Richard Nixon may have been twins separated at birth.
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