Monday, August 06, 2012

Congrats Curiosity and NASA!

I suppose I can go to sleep now that all the excitement is over.  Although, I very much enjoyed the live excitement of Curiosity landing and I have NEVER seen so many people on facebook excited and posting about something, especially not so late at night.


Delorus said...

Ha ha on NASA time machine photo! So cool to see everyone in the control room so happy. Best cold chill happy rush in a while for me for sure!

Alfred Lehmberg said...

Whew! ...Wish I could feel confident that they'd tell us what they find up there... ...but that's not the way we roll...

purrlgurrl said...

Curiousity is a double-edged sword -- part of its mission is looking for evidence of water (past or present) which might be an indicator of life on Mars (past or present), but it's not directly looking for life.

Seems a long way to go and a lot of money to spend looking for, at best, indirect evidence of the one thing we Earthlings are burning to know.

Nevertheless, this is a stunning achievement for NASA and JPL. Landing anything safely on the surface of Mars is one tough bitch.

Anonymous said...

Live excitement? The Pre-Rendered mid 90s grade CGI landing scenes they played? My iphone takes a better picture then that, and it didn't cost 2.5 billion. Alfred is right though, we won't be told what they really find. The dodging and flat out "No" answers given by the panel at the end is a clear indication of the deception.

the snark of my comment is towards nasa
I love Debris Field =)
